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. 2017 May 31;7:2514. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02554-x

Table 1.

Clinical information and results from the CACNA1A mutational screening in episodic ataxia patients with identified variants.

Patient Age of onset (years) Frequency of the episodes (per month) Duration Trigger(s) MRI Other features Variant Restriction enzyme PhyloPc/PhastConsd scores SIFT scoree PolyPhen-2 scoref Reference
cDNAa Exon Proteinb Domain
EP-004 infancy NA NA NA NA ACZ responsive, MO, learning disability, motor clumsiness c.749delG 5 p.G250Efs*60 DI, S5-S6 loop +TaqI (mismatch) 5.84/1
432B 6 >1 15′-3 h stress, fatigue normal ACZ responsive c.G959A 6 p.W320* DI, S5-S6 loop +AccI 5.78/1
A03_44 NA NA NA NA NA FHM, interictal ataxia, nystagmus c.C1502T 11 p.T501Mg DII, S1 +FatI 4.32/1 Damaging (0.00) Probably damaging (1.00) 24
A98_279 58 ∼30 30′-1 h NA normal episodic hand dystonia c.G1913A 14 p.G638D DII, S5-S6 loop AciI 5.63/1 Damaging (0.03) Probably damaging (1.00) 4
7A806 5 4 NA NA NA MO c.2042-43delAG 16 p.Q681Rfs*100 DII, S5-S6 loop -DdeI 2124
474 8 1–4 3–6 h NA deep WM hyperinte-nsities worsen on CBZ and PHT, ACZ responsive c.5253-2259_5403+ 1135del 35 p.S1753Cfs*2 DIV, S5-S6 loop
335a <1 NA 48 h NA normal migraine, visual aura c.T5547A 37 p.Y1849* Cytoplasmic tail PsiI 4.33/1
340 4 NA NA exercise, fatigue, emotional stress temporal arachnoidal cyst congenital squint, nystagmus, ACZ responsive c.C5569T 37 p.R1857* Cytoplasmic tail +BspHI (mismatch) 3.33/1 20
389A 2 8–12 6–8 h upon sleep stress, exercise, coffee, tea mild cerebellar atrophy improves on ACZ, MO, interictal ataxia, nystagmus c.C5569T 37 p.R1857* Cytoplasmic tail +BspHI (mismatch) 3.33/1 20
349A 1.5 1–2 30′ stress normal nystagmus c.C6665T 46 p.P2222Lg Cytoplasmic tail FauI 2.83/1 Tolerated (1.00) Benign (0.06)

MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; NA: not available; ACZ: acetazolamide; MO: migraine without aura; FHM: Familial Hemiplegic Migraine; WM: white matter; CBZ: carbamazepine,; PHT: phenytoin; D: domain; S: segment. aReference sequence for cDNA nomenclature: NM_001127221 (nucleotide c.279A corresponding to the initiation codon, ATG). bRererence sequence for protein nomenclature: NP_001120693. cPhyloP score: Positive scores indicate sites that are predicted to be conserved, whereas negative scores indicate sites predicted to be fast-evolving. dPhastCons score: It ranges from 0 (non conserved amino acid positions) to 1 (highly conserved amino acid positions). eSIFT score: It ranges from 0 to 1. The amino acid substitution is predicted as damaging if the score is <=0.05, and tolerated if the score is >0.05. fPolyPhen-2 score: It ranges from 0 to 1. The aminoacid substitution is predicted as probably damaging if the score is >0.85, possibly damaging (score is between 0.15 and 0.85) or benign (score < 0.15). gVariants p.T501M and p.P2222L have the rs codes rs121908240 and rs778551911, respectively.