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. 2017 May;5(10):208. doi: 10.21037/atm.2017.04.04

Table 2. Summary of characteristics of RCTs assessing PCT-guided antibiotic stewardship in adult critical care patients.

Study Setting Duration of study (months) PCT assay N total (PCT/control) Rate of exclusion, n [%] Decision not to start AB, PCT/control [%] Duration AB therapy, PCT/control [days] Overruling PCT algorithm [%] 28-day mortality, PCT/control, n [%]
SAPS, Jong 2016 (36) 15 ICU (Netherlands) 58 TRACE 1,575 (776/799) 2,932 [65] 5 [3–9]/7 [4–11], P<0.0001 66 149 [19.6]/196 [25], P=0.0122
ProGUARD, Shehabi 2014 (39) 11 mixed ICU (Australia) 29 TRACE 394 (196/198) 1,167 [74] 9 [6–21]/11 [6–22] 3 21 [11]/15 [8]
Annane 2013 (40) 8 mixed ICU (France) 36 TRACE 58 (30/28) 1,158 [92] 4 [15]/4 [15]† 5 [2–5]/5 [3–5] 37 7 [23]/10 [33]
Deliberato 2013 (41) Mixed ICU (Brazil) 24 PCT LIA 81 (42/39) 184 [69] 10 [3–39]/11 [2–45] 29 2 [2.4]/4 [10.3]
Layios 2012 (32) 5 mixed ICU (Belgium) 9 TRACE 509 (258/251) 992 [66] 26 [7.6]/21 [6.7]‡ 147.3±206/141.1±136.9, (DDD/100 ICU days) 34.6 56 [21.7]/53 [21.1]
PASS, Jensen 2011 (34) 9 ICU (Denmark) 29 TRACE 1,200 (604/596) 3 [0.3] 56 [18]/37 [17.6]§ 6 [3–11]/4 [3–10] 17.9 190 [31.5]/191 [32]
PRORATA, Bouadma 2010 (33) 7 ICU (5 medical, 2 surgical) (France) 12 TRACE 601 (307/314) 685 [52] 27 [9]/7 [2]† 10.3±7.7/13.3±7.6, P<0.0001 53 65 [21.2]/64 [20.4]
ProSICU, Hochreiter 2009 (42) Surgical ICU (Germany) 15 PCT LIA 110 (57/53) 285 [72] 5.9±1.7/7.9±0.5, P<0.001 15 [26.3]/14 [26.4]
ProVAP, Stolz 2009 (43) 7 mixed ICU (USA and Switzerland) 30 TRACE 101 (51/50) 63 [38] 10 [6–16]/15 [10–23], P=0.038 16 8 [16]/12 [24]
Schroeder 2009 (44) Surgical ICU (Germany) 7 PCT LIA 27 (14/13) 98 [78] 6.6±1.1/8.3±0.7, P<0.001 3 [21.4]/3 [23.1]
ProSEP, Nobre 2008 (45) Mixed ICU (Switzerland) 15 TRACE 79 (39/40) 203 [72] 6 [4–16]/10 [3–33], P=0.003 19 8 [20.5]/8 [20]
Svoboda 2007 (46) Surgical ICU (Czech Republic) 29 PCT-Q 72 (38/34) 381 [84] 9/13 29 10 [26]/13 [38]

, number of patients who did not receive antibiotics for the entire study; , number of patients in whom clinical confidence of infection was uncertain; §, number of patients with baseline “alert PCT” in PCT group who did not receive antibiotics at enrollment/number of patients in the control group who were judged to have infection but did not receive antibiotics at enrollment; DDD, defined daily dose; PCT, procalcitonin; RCT, randomized-controlled trial; ICU, intensive care units; TRACE, time-resolved amplified cryptate emission.

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