Table 2.
Clinical studies of BMAC-enhanced marrow stimulation for articular cartilage repair.
Patient number | Defect location(s) |
Defect type | Defect size |
Additional treatment | Nature of biomaterials | Source of bone marrow | Concentration performed? | Method of concentration | Aspirate amount/defect | Study group(s) | Follow-up | Evaluation methods |
Major findings | Ref. |
11 | Femoral condyle, patella | 1 or 2 chondral defects, Outerbridge types III or IV | 2–8 cm2 | Microfracture | Type I/III porcine collagen matrix |
(1) Iliac crest | Yes | BMA (24 ml) centrifuged (15 min) to obtain a concentrated phase containing mononuclear cells. | n.a. | (1) Microfracture + collagen membrane + BMAC |
6 months |
(1) FACS analysis |
(1) More cells with MSC phenotype obtained from iliac crest than microfracture site. |
[71] |
(2) Microfracture site |
(2) Culture of bone marrow samples from iliac crest and microfracture site |
(2) Only MSCs from bone marrow could be long-term propagated and efficiently differentiated in vitro. |
(3) Clinical evaluations: pain, adverse events |
(3) No pain. No adverse events. |
| ||||||||||||||
50 | Patella, medial femoral condyle | Chondral defects, ICRS grade IV | Median lesion sizes of 4.5 or 6.5 cm2 | Microfracture | Hyaluronic acid-based scaffold | Iliac crest | Yes | BMA (60 ml) centrifuged. Yield: cellular concentration ~6× baseline value. | n.a. | (1) Hyaluronic acid-based scaffold + BMAC (HA-BMAC) |
2 and 5 years |
(1) MRI | (1) 100% normal or nearly normal IKDC objective score at 2 years in HA-BMAC (microfracture 64%). |
[72] |
Batroxobin enzyme used to activate the BMAC. | (2) Microfracture | (2) IKDC objective and subjective score |
(2) HA-BMAC group maintained improved knee function at 5 years according to Lysholm, Tegner, IKDC objective and subjective scores. |
(4) KOOS | (3) Higher score for HA-BMAC group according to Tegner, IKDC objective, and KOOS scores. |
(5) Lysholm | ||||||||||||||
(6) Tegner | ||||||||||||||
34 | Talus | Osteochondral defects | 0.5–2.2 cm2 | Microfracture | n.a. | Iliac crest | Yes | n.a. | 3 ml | (1) Microfracture | 2.8–8.3 years | (1) FAOS pain subscale | (1) FAOS and SF-12 PCS score significantly improved in microfracture group after a mean of 6.4 years and in the microfracture + BMAC group after a mean of 4 years. |
[73] |
(2) Microfracture + BMAC |
(2) SF-12 PCS | (2) MOCART score in microfracture + BMAC group significantly higher than in microfracture group after 2 years. |
(3) MRI |
(3) Per MRI less fissuring and fibrillation in the microfracture + BMAC group after 2 years. |
| ||||||||||||||
12 | Talus | Full-thickness chondral | 1.0–3.9 cm2 | Particulated juvenile articular cartilage (PJAC); subchondral drilling | Bovine type I collagen and glycos-amino-glycan | Iliac crest | Yes | BMA (60 ml) centrifuged. Yield: 6 ml of BMAC | 6 ml | (1) Subchondral drilling + BMAC + collagen scaffold |
2.1 years (range: 1.0–3.5 years) | (1) AOFAS score |
Better clinical outcome for the subchondral drilling + PJAC group according to higher AOFAS and FAAM scores after 2 years. |
[74] |
(2) Subchondral drilling + PJAC |
(2) FAAM score |
(3) SF-12 score |
AOFAS: American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgeons; BMA: bone marrow aspirate; BMAC: bone marrow aspirate concentrate; FAAM: Foot and Ankle Ability Measure; FACS: fluorescence-activated cell sorting; HA: hyaluronic acid; ICRS: International Cartilage Repair Society; IKDC: International Knee Documentation Committee; KOOS: Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome score; Lysholm: Lysholm Knee Questionnaire; MOCART: Magnetic Resonance Observation of Cartilage Repair Tissue; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; MSC: mesenchymal stem cell; n.a.: not available; PJAC: particulated juvenile articular cartilage; Ref.: reference; SF-12: short form 12 general health questionnaire; SF-12 PCS: SF-12 physical component summary score; Tegner: Tegner activity scale.