Figure EV6. Double phosphorylation of CTD does not influence serine–proline peptide bond isomerization state population.
- Scheme of cis‐ and trans‐isomers of X‐proline peptide bond (X stands for any amino acid). Peptide bond is highlighted in blue.
- To establish conformational populations of mono‐ and di‐phosphorylated peptides, [13C,1H] HSQC spectra of CTD peptides were measured. Comparison of [13C,1H] HSQC spectra of PSYS13CPpTSPSYS (left) and PSYpS13CPpTSPSYS (right). 1H‐13C correlations of β and γ C‐H pairs are shown. Trans‐chemical shift region of Cγ/β highlighted in yellow 41.
- Overlay of [13C,1H] HSQC spectra from the NMR titration of the PSYS13CPpTSPSYS peptide with non‐labelled Rtt103p CID. Protein–peptide molar ratios for each titration step and corresponding colour of the spectrum are indicated on the right.