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. 2017 Apr 26;9(5):430. doi: 10.3390/nu9050430
AGP α-1-acid glycoprotein
ANC antenatal care
APP acute phase proteins
CRP C-reactive protein
CS health post
CSI integrated health center
DHS demographic and health survey
ENA essential nutrition actions
Hb Hemoglobin
HFIAS Household Food Insecurity Access Scale
HRP2 histidine-rich protein II
IFA iron and folic acid
KAP knowledge, attitudes and practices
LMP last menstrual period
MDD-W minimum dietary diversity—women
MN micronutrient
MMN multiple micronutrient
MUAC mid-upper arm circumference
pZn plasma zinc
RBP retinol binding protein
SES socio-economic status
SFH symphysis-fundal height
sTfR soluble transferrin receptor
WHO World Health Organization