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. 2017 Feb 11;70(1):39–50. doi: 10.1159/000456723

Table 1.

Current recommendations for PUFA intake in specific population groups according to different national and international authoritiesa

Region/country (authority) Age/age group Year LA ARA Total n-3 PUFAs ALA EPA DHA EPA + DHA
Europe (EFSA) [18, 52] Pregnant and lactating women 2010 4.0 E% 0.5 E% 100.0–200.0 mg/db 250.0 mg/d

0–6 mo 2013 4.0 E% 140.0 mg/d 0.5 E% 100.0 mg/d

7–24 mo 2010 4.0 E% 0.5 E% 100.0 mg/d

>2 y 2010 4.0 E% 0.5 E% 250.0 mg/d

Elderly (= adults) 2010 4.0 E% 0.5 E% 250.0 mg/d

Worldwide (FAO/WHO) [19] Pregnant and lactating women 2008 2.5–9.0 E% (ADMR) 2.0 E% (EAR) 2.0–3.0 E% 0.5–2.0 E% (AMDR) >0.5 E% (L-AMDR) 200.0 mg/d (ANR) 300.0 mg/d (ANR)

0–6 mo 2008 Human milk 0.2–0.3 E% human milk (U-AMDR) 0.2–0.3 E% 0.1–0.2 E% <0.8 E% (U-AMDR)

6–24 mo 2008 3.0–4.5 E% <10.0 E% (U-ADMR) 0.4–0.6 E% <3.0 E% (U-AMDR) 10.0–12.0 mg/kg BW

2–4 y 2008 3.0–4.5 E% <10.0 E% (U-AMDR) 0.5–2.0 E% (AMDR) >0.5 E% (L-AMDR) 100.0–150.0 mg/d

4–6 y 2008 2.5–9.0 E% (AMDR) 2.0 E% (EAR) 2.0–3.0 E% 0.5–2.0 E% (AMDR) >0.5 E% (L-AMDR) 150.0–200.0 mg/d

6–10 y 2008 2.5–9.0 E% (AMDR) 2 E% (EAR) 2.0–3.0 E% 0.5–2.0 E% (AMDR) >0.5 E% (L-AMDR) 200.0–250.0 mg/d

10–18 y 2008 2.5–9.0 E% (AMDR) 2.0 E% (EAR) 2.0–3.0 E% 0.5–2.0 E% (AMDR) >0.5 E% (L-AMDR) 250.0–2,000.0 mg/d (AMDR)

Elderly (= adults) 2008 2.5–9.0 E% (AMDR) 2.0 E% (EAR) 2.0–3.0 E% 0.5–2.0 E% (AMDR) >0.5 E% (L-AMDR) 250.0–2,000.0 mg/d (AMDR)

Belgium (superior health council of Belgium)c [53] 0–6 mo 2009 4.4 g/d 0.5 g/d
7–12 mo 2009 4.6 g/d 0.5 g/d

1–18 y 2009 2.0–5.0 E%d 0.1–0.3 E% 0.5–1.5 E% 0.1–0.2 E% 0.1–0.4 E%

Elderly (= adults) 2009 >2.0 E% 1.3–2.0 E% >1.0 E% 0.3 E%

Belgium (superior health council of Belgium) [53] 0–6 mo 2016 4.0 E% 1.0 E%
7–12 mo 2016 4.0 E% 1.0 E% 100.0 mg/d

1–3 yrs 2016 4.0 E% 1.0 E% 100.0 mg/d

3–18 yrs 2016 4.0 E% 1.0 E% 250.0–500.0 mg/d

Elderly (= adults) 2016 4.0 E% 1.0 E% 250.0–500.0 mg/d

France (ANSES) [4] Pregnant women (2,050 kcal) 2011 4.0 E% 1.0 E% 250.0 mg/d 500.0 mg/d

Lactating women (2,250 kcal) 2011 4.0 E% 1.0 E% 250.0 mg/d 500.0 mg/d

0–6 mo 2011 2.7 E% 0.5% of total FA 0.5 E% EPA < DHA 0.3% of total FA

6–36 mo 2011 2.7 E% 0.5 E% 70.0 mg/d

3–9 y 2011 4.0 E% 1.0 E% 125.0 mg/d 250.0 mg/d

10–18 y 2011 4.0 E% 1.0 E% 250.0 mg/d 500.0 mg/d

Elderly 2011 4.0 E% 1.0 E% 250.0 mg/d 250.0 mg/d 500.0 mg/d

Germany – Austria – Switzerland (D-A-CH)c [54] Pregnant and lactating women 2013 2.5 E% 0.5 E%

0–4 mo 2013 4.0 E% 0.5 E% > 200.0 mg/d

4–12 mo 2013 3.5 E% 0.5 E%

1–4 y 2013 3.0 E% 0.5 E%

4–19 y 2013 2.5 E% 0.5 E%

Elderly 2013 2.5 E% 0.5 E%

Switzerland (Eidgenössische Ernährungskommission) [55] Pregnant and lactating women 2013 > 200.0 mg/d

Elderly (= adults) 2013 0.5–2.0 E% 500.0 mg/d

The Netherlands (Health Council of the Netherlands) [56] 0–5 mo 2001 0.6 g/kg BW 0.0 g/kg BW 0.1 g/kg BW 0.0 g/kg BW

6 mo–18 y 2001 150.0–200.0 mg/d

Elderly (= adults) 2001 2.0 E% 1.0 E% 450.0 mg/de

Nordic countriesc [57] Pregnant and lactating women 2012 >1.0 E% 200.0 mg/d

6–23 mo 2012 >1.0 E%

>2 y 2012 2.5 E%f >0.5 E%

Poland [58] Pregnant and lactating women 2012 4.0 E% 0.5 E% 250.0 mg/d 100.0–200.0 mg/d

1–2 y 2012 5.0 E% 1.0 E% 100.0 mg/d (<2 y)

2–18 y 2012 4.0 E% 0.5 E% 250.0 mg/d

Elderly (= adults) 2012 4.0 E% 0.5 E% 250.0 mg/d

Spain (AEP) [1] 6 mo–2 y 2006 3.0–4.5 E% >0.5 E%

Spain (AECOSAN) [59] >2 y 2014 2.0 g/d <200.0 mg/d

Elderly (= adults) 2014 2.0 g/d <200.0 mg/d

Values are adequate intake unless otherwise noted.

y, year; mo, months; g/d, grams per day; mg/d, milligrams per day; E%, energy percentage; PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids; –, no data available; LA, linoleic acid; ARA, arachidonic acid; n-3, omega-3 PUFA; ALA, α-linolenic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; ADMR, acceptable macronutrient distribution range; L-AMDR, lower acceptable macronutrient distribution range; U-AMDR, upper acceptable macronutrient distribution range; EAR, estimated average requirement; ANR, average nutrient requirement; BW, body weight.


Total n-6 PUFAs is not included in this online supplemental table as there are only recommendations set for the adult population and this is not a target group in our review.


In addition to the 250.0 mg of (EPA + DHA).


Total n-6 PUFA has been set for adults: 4.0–8.0 E% (Belgium); 2.5–9.0 E% (Switzerland).


DRI unit not mentioned.


As 2 serving fish per week (Guidelines for healthy diet, 2006).


Obtained by calculation (official recommendation is for total LA + ALA, and for ALA).

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