Mapped illegitimate integration eventsa
IS | Sequence (5′ to 3′) | Integration junction |
Chr | Genomic locus | Plasmid | ||
2 | AAAATGAGGACAGTT/ATATTTTTTAAATGT | 11 | 35225119 | nic+1 |
3 | CCAGATCGTGCCACT/GCATTCCAGCCTGGC | 2 | 37383046 | nic−15 |
4 | TGGGAAACAAATGAA/GAAACAACCCTGCTG | 2 | 111118923 | nic−16 |
5 | GTTTCCATGGACATT/TGCCACCCCGGCTTC | 6 | 9173423 | nic−18 |
6 | CGGGTTAGAAACCAA/GCACCCAAGCCGGCG | 12 | 28128063 | nic−16 |
8 | CACTTGCTGGGCTCA/GAGACAACCCAGCCC | 16 | 68832248 | nic−16 |
9 | GTTGTAACTGCCTAA/GATTGACCAACCCTA | 19 | 18303607 | nic−14 |
10 | GTCACATGATAAAAA/GATTATTTCATTTTG | 15 | 60623276 | gfp_73 |
11 | ATTTAATCCAAATAG/AAATAAGTTTCAGAT | 15 | 60724330 | trwA_353 |
The genomic integration sites are shown aligned with the wild-type target for TrwC, the oriT gene. The slash in each sequence indicates the integration site (the nic site in the oriT sequence). The location of the integration site (Chr, chromosome number), as well as the nucleotide of the plasmid by which integration took place, is also displayed. IS, integration site. IS2 to -9 were characterized by LAM-PCR. IS10 and -11 are both integration junctions of the event characterized by recovery of the integrated plasmid. Coordinates of genomic loci correspond to human genome GRCh37/hg19 available in UCSC Genome Browser. Plasmid coordinates refer to the distance from the nic site (+ and − indicating in the 5′or 3′ direction from the nic site, respectively) for IS2 to -9, or the nucleotide position in the gfp and trwA open reading frames (ORFs) for IS10 and -11.