Box plot illustrating the log10 number of CFU per gram of tetracycline-resistant coliforms in fecal samples from pigs at different time points relative to treatment with different doses of OTC or given OTC by different modes of treatment. Normal, low, and high refer to groups of pigs subjected to 5 days of oral OTC batch treatment using 10-mg/kg (ND), 5-mg/kg (LD), and 20-mg/kg (HD) doses, respectively. Injection (i.m.) and Pen (PW) refer to groups treated with 10 mg/kg OTC for 5 days individually by injection and pen-wise treatment, respectively. T1 to T4 refer to the time points when fecal samples were obtained, as follows: T1, immediately before treatment; T2, 2 days after the end of treatment; T3, the time when the pigs left the nursery unit; T4, 1 to 7 days before slaughter. The boxes indicate the interquartile ranges. The open circles indicate data points more than 1.5 times the interquartile range from the median.