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. 2017 May 31;83(12):e00140-17. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00140-17


ANOSIM and PERMANOVA statistics and their respective mean P valuesa

Serotype(s) Grouping factor/responseb ANOSIM
R statistic Mean uncorrected P value F statistic Mean uncorrected P value
Antimicrobial resistance gene sequences
    All Serotype 0.234c <0.001c 15.598d <0.001d
    Typhimurium Source 0.079 0.040 2.937 0.020
    Typhimurium Location 0.045 0.105 2.093 0.074
    Newport Source 0.034 0.169 3.405 0.004
    Newport Location 0.241c 0.002c 3.185 0.008
    Dublin Source 0.041 0.188 1.578 0.231
    Dublin Location 0.145 0.064 5.366 0.004
Phenotypic antimicrobial resistance/susceptibility profiles
    All Serotype 0.200c <0.001c 1.037 0.433
    Typhimurium Source 0.122 0.015 6.796 0.012
    Typhimurium Location −0.003 0.417 0.181 0.727
    Newport Source −0.030 1.000 1.739 0.053
    Newport Location 0.103 0.072 1.699 0.074
    Dublin Source 0.089 0.053 1.060 0.477
    Dublin Location 0.481c <0.001c 4.717d <0.001d
Plasmid replicon presence/absence profiles
    All Serotype 0.350c <0.001c 21.800d <0.001d
    Typhimurium Source 0.025 0.201 −0.299 0.853
    Typhimurium Location 0.107 0.009 6.077 0.011
    Newport Source −0.030 0.934 2.118 0.042
    Newport Location 0.098 0.074 1.572 0.105
    Dublin Source 0.040 0.146 1.521 0.116
    Dublin Location 0.408c <0.001c 4.466d <0.001d

Rows in boldface indicate that at least one test was significant (P < 0.05) after a Holm-Bonferroni correction was applied.


Grouping factors used were serotype (only for “All isolates”), source (bovine or human), and location (New York or Washington State).


Significant ANOSIM test (P < 0.05) after a Holm-Bonferroni correction was applied.


Significant PERMANOVA test (P < 0.05) after a Holm-Bonferroni correction was applied.