[(A) Polymerase chain reaction amplification and melting curves. (i, ii) amplification curves and melting curves of H446 cells. (iii, iv) amplification curves and melting curves of H446/EP cells]. (B) Fold change expressions of mRNAs between H446/EP and H446 cells. The top 10 increased and 10 decreased genes were illustrated. (C) Histogram of fold change. (D) The volcano plot of H446 vs. H446/EP cells. Standard selection criteria to identify differentially expressed genes are established at a fold change ≥0.585 and P<0.05. (E) Heat map of 31 microRNAs that increased or decreased in expression at least 2-fold in the H446/EP cells compared with their expression in the H446 cells (columns: Cell lines; rows: Probe sets). Heat map indicates high or low expression relative to mean, as demonstrated in the scale. (C) blue dots, differentially expressed genes; (E) Red, high expression level; green, low expression level.