(A) Representative Western blot results of Galectin-3 expression and their respective loading control β-actin for the DCM-E (n = 5) and DCM-E + Dec (n = 5) groups at 5 weeks after decompression. Densitometric quantification revealed minor expression of Galectin-3 in the spinal cord from both groups. Data were analyzed using a Mann-Whitney U test. (B) Representative Western blot of Galectin-3 expression and β-actin in the DCM-D and DCM-D + Dec groups at 5 weeks after decompression. Quantification of Galectin-3 in DCM-D (n = 5) and DCM-D + Dec (n = 7) groups shows a significant increase in the expression of this marker at 5 weeks after decompression. **P < 0.01, Mann-Whitney U test. DCM, degenerative cervical myelopathy; Dec, decompression; DCM-E, age-matched early sham decompressed group; DCM-D, age-matched delayed sham decompressed group.