Table 4.
Effect of Cognitive Training on Grip Strength- Treatment-Received Results
Speed of processing training vs. no-contact control |
Reasoning training vs. no-contact control |
Memory training vs. no-contact control |
| ||||||
Est. (SE) | 95% CI | Est. (SE) | 95% CI | Est. (SE) | 95% CI | |
Fixed effects
| ||||||
Intercept | .962 (.041)*** | [.881, 1.042] | 1.048 (.040)*** | [.970, 1.125] | .957 (.040)*** | [.877, 1.036] |
Training Sessions | .004 (.002) | [<−.001, .008] | .005 (.002)* | [.001, .009] | .004 (.002) | [<.001, .008] |
Age | −.036 (.004)*** | [−.042, −.029] | −.034 (.003)*** | [−.040, −.027] | −.030 (.003)*** | [−.037, −.023] |
Female | −1.427 (.046)*** | [−1.518, −1.336] | −1.516 (.045)*** | [−1.604, −1.427] | −1.423 (.046)*** | [−1.513, −1.332] |
Non-White | .369 (.041)*** | [.288, .451] | .352 (.041)*** | [.272, .431] | .394 (.042)*** | [.312, .476] |
Physical functioning |
.005 (.001)*** | [.004, .007] | .004 (.001)*** | [.003, .006] | .006 (.001)*** | [.005, .008] |
Time | <−.000 (.001) | [−.002, .002] | −.001 (.001) | [−.002, .001] | −.001 (.001) | [−.002, .001] |
Age*Time | <−.001 (<.001)** | [<−.001, <−.000] | <−.001 (.001)** | [<−.001, <−.001] | <−.001 (<.001)** | [<−.001, <−.001] |
Female*Time | −.002 (.001)* | [−.004, <−.000] | −.002 (.001) | [−.003, <.001] | −.001 (.001) | [−.003, .001] |
| ||||||
Random effects
| ||||||
Residual | .148 (.006)*** | [.137, .160] | .153 (.006)*** | [.142, .165] | .147 (.006)*** | [.136, .159] |
Intercept | .375 (.021)*** | [.337, .419] | .344 (.020)*** | [.307, .385] | .366 (.020)*** | [.328, .409] |
Time | <.001 (<.001)*** | [<.001, <.001] | <.001 (<.001)*** | [<.001, <.001] | <.001 (<.001)*** | [<.001, <.001] |
Covariance (intercept, time) |
−.002 (<.001)*** | [−.002, −.001] | −.001 (<.001)** | [−.001, <−.001] | −.001 (<.001)** | [−.002, <−. |
Note. Higher grip strength scores indicate better performance. Final analytic samples with complete baseline outcome and covariate data were speed of processing training (n=592), reasoning training (n=581), memory training (n=595), and control (n=609). Est. = Unstandardized Estimate, CI = Confidence Interval, SE = Standard Error.
p < .05
p < .01
p < .001.