Figure 2.
CD57, CD300, and CD161 expression on CD4+ T-cells. (A) Total expression (percentage) of CD57, CD161, and CD300a on CD4+ T-cells from young CMV-seronegative (n = 22), young CMV-seropositive (n = 15), middle age CMV-seropositive (n = 13), and old CMV-seropositive donors (n = 14). (B) Co-expression of CD57, CD161, and CD300a on CD4+ T-cells. Graphs show CD4+ T-cell phenotypes in which we found statistical differences among the four groups studied. Vertical blacklines indicate interquartile ranges, ranging from the 25th to the 75th percentile. The median values are indicated by a horizontal black line. Results were considered significant at *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001.