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. 2017 Jun 2;8:381. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00381

Table 1.

CTC isolation techniques.

CTC isolation method Disease Comment References
Size-based filtration method: Use of membrane filters with size exclusive pores Multiple carcinomas Isolation of CTCs based on cell size to isolate them from leukocytes Vona et al., 2000, 2004; Hosokawa et al., 2013
Veridex cell search system: Anti-EpCAM antibody coated microbeads Multiple carcinomas The only FDA approved Allard et al., 2004
Magnetic-activated cell sorting system (MACS) Breast cancer Enrichment of the CTC population Lara et al., 2004
Use of electrical charges and density properties of cancer cells Primary breast cancer CTCs detected in 8.3% of patients before surgery. After Chemotherapy, CTCs detected in 44% of previously negative patients Müller et al., 2005
Cell Search System Gastro-intestinal cancers High CTC number corrected with metastasis and with low survival Hiraiwa et al., 2008
MagSweeper: Magnetic rods Metastatic breast cancer Higher purity than the Cell search system Talasaz et al., 2009
Microfluidic devices: Microfluid approaches taking advantage of physical properties Metastatic prostate cancer Isolate CTC with down regulated EpCAM Stott et al., 2010; Ozkumur et al., 2013
Combination of epithelial and mesenchymal markers: Use combination of antibodies to select CTC with epithelial and mesenchymal properties Localized and metastatic colorectal cancer Avoid CTC phenotype problem Deneve et al., 2013
MINDEC: Multi-Marker Immuno-magnetic Negative Depletion Enrichment Metastatic pancreatic cancer Enhanced negative depletion strategy—MINDEC-based on multi-marker (CD45, CD16, CD19, CD163, and CD235a/GYPA) depletion of blood cells Lapin et al., 2016
GILUPI cell collector: cell Collector-Wire coating: EpCAM and Cytokeratin antibody coated medical wire Lung cancer Isolation of CTCs from peripheral blood to overcome the blood volume limitations Gorges et al., 2016b
Wire coating enhanced: Enhanced wire coting to maximize functionality Breast cancer cells Improvement of the wire technology Scherag et al., 2017