Figure 10. Summary illustration of the role of Lhx1/5 in PC dendritogenesis and spine morphogenesis.
In normal mouse cerebellum, Lhx1/5 activate the expression of Espin that regulates the organization of F-actin in PC dendrites and thereby controls dendritogenesis and spine morphogenesis of PCs. The dendritic spines can maturate normally and form synapses with the presynaptic inputs. In Lhx1/5 DKO mutant cerebellum, Espin expression is downregulated due to inactivation of Lhx1/5. As a result, less Espin can be found in PC dendrites and thus F-actin becomes disorganized in PC dendrites. This disrupts dendritogenesis and the maturation of dendritic spines and results in loss of synapses with some presynaptic inputs.