Figure 7. Comparison of changes in ozone associated with canopy simulations conducted here with other model predictions in the literature.
(a) Comparison of the changes in average ozone for feedback effects (direct and indirect) and emissions policy scenario simulations (purple shades) with the change in average ozone from the canopy simulations (blue). Columns (1)–(3), respectively: the change in average North American ozone due to feedback effects (direct+indirect)6, the largest change in European 8 h average ozone for a specific emissions reduction scenario28, and the smallest change in European 8 h average ozone for a specific emissions reduction scenario28. Columns (4) and (5), respectively: the change in mean North American surface ozone for the two forest canopy parameterizations examined here. (b) As in a, for change of local maxima in average ozone concentrations for literature scenario simulations (purple), compared to largest decrease in O3 at North American monitoring stations, for the two canopy simulations (blue). Columns (6) through (11), respectively: the maximum change in the maximum daily 8 h average summer North American ozone change due to climate change, the maximum mean North American ozone change 2020s to 1990s, the maximum mean North American ozone change 2050 to 2000, the maximum mean summer world ozone change, 2030 versus 2000, the maximum change in local ozone associated with individual coal-fired power-plants, and the maximum change in local ozone due associated with a coal-fired power-plant in a single hour, respectively. Columns (12) and (13) correspond to the maximum change in station average ozone for the two canopy parameterizations considered here.