Social interactions impairment |
1. Avoidance of/poor/no eye contact |
100.0 |
2. Inappropriate facial expression |
30.0 |
3. Sustained odd body postures |
26.7 |
4. Inability to indicate needs by gesture |
93.3 |
5. Difficulty in mixing with other children |
100.0 |
6. Lack emotional reciprocity |
95.0 |
7. Inappropriate object attachment |
23.3 |
Communication impairment |
8. Lack of speech development |
55.0 |
9. Inability to initiate/sustain conversation |
43.3 |
10. Stereotype and repetitive use of speech/action |
48.3 |
11. No consistent response to name |
100.0 |
12. Lack varied play |
91.7 |
Behavioral impairment |
13. Motor mannerism |
66.7 |
14. Resists changes in routines |
83.3 |
15. Extreme distress for no apparent reason |
76.7 |
16. Crying tantrum |
78.3 |
17. Apparent insensitivity to pain |
60.0 |
18. No fear of real danger |
46.7 |
19. Acting aggressively |
83.3 |
20. Preoccupation with an interest of abnormal intensity |
20.0 |