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. 2017 Mar 6;4:e4. doi: 10.1017/gmh.2016.29

Table 2.

Teacher participant experience and recommendations regarding acceptability, feasibility, and effectiveness of training

Theme n (of 12) endorsing Selected excerpts to illustrate key themesa
Acceptability (n = 9) [ … ] So I feel that the training is important and that it is relevant and it is a need, it is so much of a need, this training is so important to me, I feel unsatisfied, I feel unsatisfied because there are so many people who are waiting for it, the next step should be already in place. [short interjection by each facilitator] In general then, I can say that I feel proud, I feel very happy, the training helped me grow and I feel I am transformed every day that goes by. [ … ]
[ … ] We feel that it was the right time to have this training for all the teachers, because through our research and all we came to understand from this training, we found it successful. [ … ]
[ … ] this training was premier and important too, I have to tell you that I am a rigid teacher and when I was teaching, I used to act in a certain way, but I have to tell you from this training I discovered a lot of things that I can do while I'm working with the students, this training helped me in a way that when the students will have a reaction, I quickly refer to the training I got and look for the motive of his or her behavior, it was a good experience for me.
Effectiveness (n = 12) [ … ] and I must tell you that it is the first time, in the Department Centre [Central Haiti], that a training on mental health was organized for teachers, and what we have noted, is that people can have all sorts of problems, like stomach problems, foot problems, but mental health is never taken into account, and Zanmi Lasante through Harvard University, provided this training for us, and we ourselves, we were able to be reached, at the school level, I can say, that plays an essential role, due to the fact that we ourselves, could not easily in the past identify people who are suffering from mental issues, but now, with this training that we received, it enables us to work productively on mental health issues [ … ]
As for me, the training really helped me because it enabled me to change my behavior with the children, and even in my own environment I try to understand other people, all those I interact with daily, and also this training is targeted, it targets the teachers that are in contact daily with the students and you are managing crowds, it helps me manage the class differently and also helps me understand when children react in a certain way in the classroom, it is because they are facing a problem that makes them react the way they do, and it helps me approach the child and ask questions [ … ]
[ … ] But today, after I have received the training with the WOZO team –Zanmi Lasante and Harvard, I have become a more moderate teacher, why? Because I know that the student sometimes presents or displays behavior because something [not good] out of the ordinary happened, either at home or maybe within his environment and he has no way he can fix it and he has no other way to make others aware of it except through this action.
[ … ] I want to say this training was very useful, we learned a lot, it transformed us from the way we used to manage the students. We used to have a way of managing problem cases; since the training we deal with them another way. I have to tell you that there are some children that were misbehaving, we had to expel them but after this training we saw it was not the best solution, all this is to show you how this training was useful. [ … ]
Recommendations (n = 12) [ … ] Yes the training was really good for us as teachers and as parents, and I would like Harvard University and Zanmi Lasante to go further with us with the training.
According to me what I would like to be achieved is to make the program more efficient for teachers, that is to increase sessions of training and then teachers will have more skills. They will know more about how to address a case when it happens, so now we are voting for continued training.
[ … ] Now in regard to what we wish for the success of this training, we notice that this as both a study and training that we got was a little intense, honestly there are some concepts that we did not learn well enough. What I would suggest is to try to do this training over time so that we could really master the concepts, thanks.
[ … ] So we encourage this work and ask, as my other colleagues already said, that the work continues, and that it could be expanded through the whole country.
[ … ] I would like for Harvard University jointly with Zanmi Lasante to do training for the [supervisors,] disciplinarians, [and] principals [ … ]

Some excerpts encompass text beyond the coded theme to provide context; some excerpts encompass more than one theme.