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. 2017 Jun 2;12(6):e0177773. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177773

Table 2. Countries included in this study with publications included from the systematic literature search.

Country Income1 Primary school net enrolment ratio2 Demo3/ National (funding source)3 Vaccination venue(s) Year/s HPV vaccination
Bhutan [1521] Lower-middle 88.1 (2013) Demo (GAP) School 2009
National (ACCF) School 2010
Health facility + outreach 2011–13
School + health facility + outreach 2014-
Bolivia [19, 20] Lower-middle 81.6 (2013) Demo 1 (GAP) School + health facility 2009
Demo 2 (GAP) School + health facility + outreach 2009
Demo 3 (GAP) School + health facility 2010
Demo 4 (GAP) School + health facility 2010–11
Botswana [2224] Upper-middle 83.8 (2009) Demo (WB) School 2013
Demo (MOH) School + health facility 2014
National (Govt.) School + health facility 2015
Brazil [2529] Lower-middle 94.4 (2005) Demo (GAP) School 2010–11
Demo (MOH) School + outreach 2010–12
National (Govt.) School + health facility 2014-
Burkina Faso Low 67.5 (2013) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2015-
Cambodia [19, 20] Low 98.4 (2012) Demo 1 (GAP) Health facility 2009–10
Demo 2 (GAP) School + health facility 2010–11
Cameroon [19, 20, 3034] Lower-middle 91.5 (2012) Demo 1 (GAP) School + health facility 2010
Demo 2 Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2015-
Chile [35] High 92.7 (2012) National (Govt.) School + health facility 2014-
Côte d’Ivoire Lower-middle 61.9 (2009) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2015-
Ethiopia Low 67.9 (2006) Demo (Gavi) School + outreach 2015-
The Gambia Low 68.7 (2013) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2015-
Georgia [20] Lower-middle 96.5 (2013) Demo 1 (GAP) Health facility 2010
Demo 2 (GAP) Health facility + outreach 2010–14
Ghana Lower-middle 88.9 (2014) Demo 1 (GAP) School 2013
Demo 2 (Gavi) Year 1: School. Year 2: School + health facility + outreach 2013–15
Guyana Lower-middle 71.5 (2012) Demo (GAP) School + health facility 2012–13
National (Govt) NA 2014
Haiti [19, 20] Low NA Demo (GAP) School 2009
Honduras [20] Lower-middle 89.3 (2013) Demo 1 (GAP) School + health facility + outreach 2011
Demo 2 (GAP) School 2012–13
Demo 3 (GAP) School + health facility 2014
National (Govt.) School + health facility 2015-
India [3640] Lower-middle 93.3 (2011) Demo (PATH) School + health facility campaign 2009–10
School and health facility monthly delivery 2009–10
Kenya [20, 41, 42] Low 83.6 (2012) Demo (GAP) School 2011
Demo (Gavi) School 2013–15
Kiribati Lower-middle NA Demo (GAP/ ACCF) School 2011–13
Laos PDR Lower-middle 97.3 (2013) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2013–15
Lesotho [19, 20] Lower-middle 79.6 (2013) Demo 1 (GAP) School 2009
Demo 2 (GAP) School 2010–11
National School 2012-
Madagascar Low 77.1 (2003) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility 2013–15
Malawi Low 96.9 (2009) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility 2013–15
Mali Low 64.4 (2013) Demo 1 (GAP) Health facility 2012
Demo 2 (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2015-
Moldova [20] Lower-middle 87.9 (2013) Demo (GAP) School 2010–11
Mongolia Lower-middle 94.7 (2013) Demo (GAP) School + health facility + outreach 2012
School 2014
Mozambique Low 87.4 (2013) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2014–15
Nepal [19, 20, 43] Low 98.5 (2013) Demo 1 (ACCF) School 2008
Demo 2 (GAP/ACCF) School + health facility 2010
Demo 3 (ACCF) School + health facility 2011–14
Demo 4 (Gavi) School + health facility 2015-
Niger Low 62.8 (2012) Demo (Gavi) School + outreach 2014–15
Papua New Guinea Lower-middle 85.6 (2012) Demo (GAP) School + health facility 2012
Peru [3739, 4449] Upper-middle 91.8 (2013) Demo (PATH) School + health facility + outreach 2007–08
National (Govt) School 2011–12 2014-
Philippines Lower-middle 88.2 (2009) Demo (Jhpiego) NA 2010
Rwanda [5053] Low 93.4 (2013) National (Merck) School + health facility + outreach 2011–13
National (Gavi) School + health facility 2014-
Senegal Lower-middle 73.4 (2014) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2015-
Sierra Leone Low NA Demo (Gavi) NA 2013
Solomon Islands Lower-middle 80.7 (2007) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2015-
South Africa [5461] Upper-middle 89.6 (2005) Demo 1 (UCT) Health facility 2010
Demo 2 (KZN DoH) School 2011
Demo 3 (UoS) School 2013
National (Govt.) School 2014-
Tanzania [20, 39, 6268] Low 83.5 (2013) Demo 1 (GAP) School—age and grade criteria tested 2010–11
Demo 2 (Gavi) Year 1: School & health facility. Year 2: Health facility + outreach 2014-
Thailand [69, 70] Upper-middle 95.6 (2009) Demo (Jhpiego) NA 2010
Togo Low 97.5 (2013) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2015-
Uganda [20, 3739, 48, 7181] Low 91.5 (2013) Demo 1 (PATH/ MOH) School + health facility 2008–09 2010–11
School + health facility + outreach 2008–09 2010–11
Demo 2 (GAP) Health facility 2010
Demo 3 (Merck) School + outreach 2012–14
Natl (Gavi) Health facility + outreach 2015-
Uzbekistan [20] Lower-middle 88.5 (2011) Demo (GAP) Health facility 2009
National (Gavi) School + health facility 2016-
Vanuatu Lower-middle 98.9 (2005) Demo (ACCF) School 2009
National (ACCF) School + outreach 2013-
Vietnam [3739, 48, 72, 79, 8284] Lower-middle 98.1 (2012) Demo (PATH/ MOH) School + health facility 2008–10
Health facility 2008–10
Zambia Lower-middle 91.4 (2013) Demo (GAP) School + health facility 2013–14
Zimbabwe Low 93.9 (2012) Demo (Gavi) School + health facility + outreach 2015-

1 World bank classifications of income group, February 2014.

2 Information sourced from UNESCO Institute of Statistics, educational attainment most recently available data; year is indicated in brackets.

Italicised text indicates experiences with incomplete data due to start date; this data was obtained in the process of data collection when countries were questioned about future or current HPV vaccine activity; only experiences with at least one year of implementation were included in analyses.

Abbreviations: ACCF, Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation; CHW, community health worker; Demo, demonstration/pilot project; GAP, Gardasil® Access Program; est., estimated; HPV, human papillomavirus; KZN DoH, KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health; MOH, ministry of health; national, national programme; NA, not available; UCT, University of Cape Town; UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation; UoS, University of Stellenbosch; WB, World Bank.