Effect of the recJ mutation on DNA repair after UV (A) and gamma (B) irradiation in the recB1080 recD, recB1067 recD, and recD genetic backgrounds. The measure for efficiency of DNA repair was cell survival after different doses of UV and gamma irradiation. The values are means of at least three independent experiments. Standard deviation bars are shown for each cell survival curve. Symbols: ○, recJ (strain LMM1032); □, recD (strain RIK144); •, ΔrecBCD (strain V2570); ⋄, recD recJ (strain IIB340); ▴, recB1067 recD recJ (strain IIB351); ▵, recB1080 recD recJ (strain IIB320); ♣, both recB1080 and recB1067 alleles.