Table 1.
Currently available genetically-encoded optical reporters for cAMP.
cAMP sensor | Design | Dynamic Range | cAMP Affinity |
FlCRhR | cPKA-fluorescein + rPKA-rhodamine | 50% | 88 nM |
R-CFP/C-YFP | rPKA-CFP + cPKA-YFP (CFP-R2C2-YFP)* | ~17% | 0.3 μM |
RR230K-CFP/C-YFP | rPKA(R230K)-CFP + cPKA-YFP (CFP-R2C2-YFP)* | ~15% | 31.3 μM |
Epac1-camps | YFP-E157Epac1E316CFP | ~24% | 2.4 μM |
Epac2-camps | YFP-E285Epac2E443-CFP | ~17% | 0.9 μM |
PKA-camps | YFP-M264rIIβB-PKAA403-CFP | ~15% | 1.9 μM |
CFP-Epac-YFP | CFP-M1Epac1P881-YFP | ~30% | 50 μM |
CFP-Epac(δDEP-CD)-YFP | CFP-P149Epac1(T781A/F782A)P881-YFP | ~45% | 14 μM |
ICUE1 | ECFP-V2Epac1P881-citrine | 20% | NA |
HCN-camps | YFP-A467HCN2K638-CFP | ~20% | 6 μM |
ΔRIIβ-CFP/Cα-YFP | 81rIIβ-PKA416-CFP + CPKAα-YFP* | 82% | NA |
GndΔ-Epac-mRFP (H81) | GFP(A206K)-P149Epac1(T781A/F782A)P881-mRFP | 29% | NA |
Cnd-Epac-Vd (H84) | CFP(A206K)-P149Epac1(T781A/F782A)P881-Venus | 31% | NA |
Cnd-Epac-cp173Vd (H90) | CFP(A206K)-P149Epac1(T781A/F782A)P881-cp173Venus | 36% | NA |
Gnd-Epac-mCherry (H94) | GFP(A206K)-P149Epac1(T781A/F782A)P881-mCherry | 23% | NA |
CdΔ-Epac-cp173V/Vd (H96) | 1CFP225-P149Epac1(T781A/F782A)P881-cp173Venus-Venus | 36% | NA |
ICUE2 | ECFP-E148Epac1P881-citrine | 60% | 12.5 μM |
ICUE3 | ECFP-E148Epac1P881-cpVenus(L194) | 102% | NA |
Epac2-camps300 | YFP-E285Epac2(K405E) E443-CFP | 80% | 0.3 μM |
Epac2-camps300-Cit | YFP-E285Epac2(K405E) E443-citrine | 92% | NA |
TEpacVV (H74) | mTurquoiseΔ-P149Epac1(T781A/F782A)P881-cp173Venus-Venus | 82%/84% | NA |
Nano-lantern (cAMP0.4) | 1VenusΔC10228-4N-RLuc8ΔN3228-M245PKARIαBV381-Linker-229C-RLuc8(S257G)311 | NA | 0.4 μM |
Nano-lantern (cAMP3.3) | 1VenusΔC10228-4N-RLuc8ΔN3228-G170Epac1(Q270E)A327-Linker-229C-RLuc8(S257G)311 | NA | 3.3 μM |
Nano-lantern (cAMP1.6) | 1VenusΔC10228-4N-RLuc8ΔN3228-G170Epac1(Q270E)A327-229C-RLuc8(S257G)311 | 130% | 1.6 μM |
cit-mCNBD-cer | citrine-202mCRIS353-cerulean | NA | NA |
Flamindo | 1N-citrine(Q69M)144-157mEpac1316-146C-citrine238 | 100% | 2.1 μM |
Flamindo2 | 1N-citrine(Q69M)144-ALKK-157mEpac1316-146C-citrine238 | 300% | 3.2 μM |
Epac-SH187 | mTurquoise2Δ-P149Epac1(Q270E/T781A/F782A)P881-tdcp173Venus-Venus | 163.9% | NA |
Epac-SH134 | mTurquoise2Δ- P149Epac1(Q270E/T781A/F782A)P881-cp173Venus-Venus | 86% | 4 μM |
Epac-SH126 | mTurquoise2Δ-P149Epac1(T781A/F782A)P881-cp173Venus-Venus | 80.4% | 9.5 μM |
pPHT-PKA | RA-cPKA + B-rPKA + Free GA** | NA | NA |
RIα #7 | cp173Venus-245rIα-PKA381-ECFP | 38% | 37.2 nM |
mlCNBD-FRET | Citrine-F223mlotiK1R349-cerulean-His10 | 47% | 66 nM |
(~) indicates that dynamic range was estimated from the figures of cited papers.Truncated proteins are indicated using the number of the starting amino acid and ending amino acid (for example aa#GFPaa#) when the information was available;
co-transfection of two separate constructs required;
co-transfection of three separate constructs required. Mutations, if any, are denoted in parentheses. Note that reporters available exclusively from commercial sources are not listed.