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. 2017 Mar 20;38(5):591–613. doi: 10.1038/aps.2016.167

Table 3. Different neuroimaging techniques implemented for glioma4,45,46.

Neuroimaging techniques Condition Observation
CT Scan Glioma Subependymal nodules (periventricular region) Subependymal astrocytoma Oligodendroglioma Increased tissue cellularity, heterogeneous Less than 6 in number; Calcified nodules Isodense nodules obstructing the foramen of Monro, resulting ventricular dilatation Well defined tumor calcification
Non-contrast CT Scan Subependymal astrocytoma Calcification and small cysts
MRI Glioma Ependymoma Ill defined margins, surrounding edema, hemorrhage, necrosis Rise in choline levels, reduced N-acetyl aspartate Heterogeneous, cysts, calcification, occasional hemorrhage
• T1-weighted image Glioma Subependymal astrocytoma Hypointense to isointense, pattern with heterogeneous enhancement on contrast infusion, ring enhancement is sometimes seen but less common Isointense with cerebral cortex Isointense with the white matter
• T2-weighted image Glioma Subependymal astrocytoma Hyperintense Isointense with cerebral cortex Isointense with the white matter Homogeneous or heterogeneous enhancement
1H MRS Parenchymal lesions Glioma Multiple parenchymal lesions showing increased signal intensity Increasing choline/creatine/lactate and decreasing N-acetylaspartate correlate with tumor progression, helpful in cases of recurring tumor
Echo Planar MRI   Mapping of tumor blood flow and extends better resolution of tumor versus surrounding edema at tumor border
SPECT Thallium 201 Glioma Distinguishes benign from malignant lesions Amount of thalium uptake correlates with grade of tumor
1MT SPET Glioma Employs Iodine-123α methyl L-tyrosine for detecting tumors recurrence
18F-FDG PET Glioma Differentiate between recurrent or residual tumor and radiation necrosis
18F-Fluoromisonidazole PET   Physiologic marker for tumor progression and radioresistance
Amino acid and amino acid analog PET tracers   Amino acid uptake is mediated by type L amino acid carriers, upregulated in tumor vasculature
18F-FLT Glioma Biomarker for differentiating between radiation necrosis and tumor recurrence. Marker for tumor proliferation