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. 2004 Oct 22;5(11):R90. doi: 10.1186/gb-2004-5-11-r90

Table 3.

Candidate binding sites for the ferric uptake regulator FUR

Gene Operon Function Site Position* Score
Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA
381665 Fur Ferric uptake regulator ATGAtAtTCAcTTTCAg -31 5.25
381666 feoB1 - R Fe2+ transporter cTGAAAgTGATTTTCAc -192 5.18
383594 genX*-genY* Cytochrome c family protein, putative gTGAAAAaCATTTTCAa -65 5.08
383590 X-feoA-feoA-feoB2 Porin, Fe2+ transporter tTGAAAATGgaaTTCAT -82 5.07
Geobacter metallireducens
379927 Fur Ferric uptake regulator tTGAAAATCAcTTTCAg -30 5.54
379928 feoB1 - R Fe2+ transporter tTGAAAgTGAaTaTCAa -48 5.33
378774 psp* Porin? tTGAAAAaGAcTTTCAT -259 5.28
Desulfuromonas species
392427 fur2-feoB1 - R Fe regulator, Fe2+ transporter tTGAAAATCATTTTCAg -34 5.72
390939 psp* Porin? tTGAtAATGgcTTTCAT -139 5.22
391943 fur1 Ferric uptake regulator tTGAAcATCATTTTCAT -37 5.44
387887 feoA-feoB4 Fe2+ transporter ATGAAAAcGAaTTTCAT 93 5.43
391875 genY*(N) tTGAAAAcGgTTTTCAT -105 5.28
389803 feoA-feoB2 Fe2+ transporter cTGAAAAcCgTTTTCAa -39 5.16
392265 feoA-feoB3 Fe2+ transporter ATGAAAtaCAcTTTCAa -54 5.13
Desulfovibrio vulgaris
209207 ? tTGAAAATtATTTTCAa -35 5.42
ATtAtttTCAaTaTCAg -29 4.06
206189 gdp* GGDEF domain protein tTGActtTGAaaaTCAT -36 4.04
tTGAAAATCATaaTCAa -30 5.32
208071 feoA-feoA-feoB Fe2+ transporter ATaAActTGAcaaTCAT -99 3.91
207866 foxR-pqqL*-atpX*-... Regulator, Zn-dependent peptidase, ABC operon tTGActtTGATTTTCAc -195 4.31
tTGAtttTCAcTTTCAT -189 5.01
209238 genY*(C)-genZ* ? tTGAcAtTGATTTTCgT -55 4.31
tTGAtttTCgTTTTCAa -49 4.89
208179 fld* Flavodoxin tTGAAAAcaAaaaTCAa -182 4.49
AcaAAAATCAaTTTCAa -176 4.25
208641 hdd* HD-domain protein tTGAcAATGATTTTCtT -93 4.46
ATGAtttTCtTTTTCAa -87 4.81
208856 Has P-type ATPase/hydrolase domains tTGAtttaGATTTTCAa -87 4.79
taGAtttTCAaTTTCAg -81 4.20
tTcAAttTCAgTaTCAa -75 3.82
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20
395878 fur3 Ferric uptake regulator ATGAAAATaATTTTCAT -77 5.46
393004 pqqL*-atpX*-... Zn-dependent peptidase, ABC operon ATGAAAATaAaTTTCAT -54 5.31
392971 392971-70-69 MoxR-like ATPase, CoxE-like protein cTGAAAtTGgTTTTCAa -99 5.29
tTGgtttTCAaTaTCAg -93 4.24
tTGAAAATGAaaTTtAT -30 4.63
ATGAAAtTtATagTCAg -24 4.19
393146 genY*(C)-genZ* ? tTGAcAtTGATTTTCAT -84 5.03
tTGAtttTCATTTTCAc -78 4.81
393462 fld* Flavodoxin tTGAcAATGAaTTTCAT -263 5.03
394236 feoA-feoB Fe2+ transporter ATGAgAAgGATTTTCAa -83 5.00
AgGAtttTCAaTTTCAc -77 3.96
394235 feoA3 Fe2+ transporter AgGAActTGAcaaTCAT -60 3.91
393956 gdp* GGDEF domain protein tTGAtttTGAgTTTCAT -122 4.56
tTGAgttTCATaTTCAT -116 4.55
395154 FoxR AraC-type regulator tTGAcAtTGAaaaTCAT -189 4.38
394231 pep*-fur1 Zn-dependent peptidase, Fe regulator tTcAgAcTGgTTTTCAT -281 3.75
cTGgtttTCATTaTCAT -275 4.41
395541 hdd* HD-domain protein gTGAtAtTGAaaTTCtT -105 3.96
tTGAAAtTCtTTaTCgc -99 4.05
395164 fepA-feoA2-feoB2 Outer membrane receptor, Fe-transporter cTGAtAAaGAaacTCAc 105 3.87
AaGAAAcTCAcTaTCAg 111 4.05

*Position relative to the start of translation. Lower case letters represent positions that do not conform to the consensus sequence. Multiple tandem sites in one regulatory region are shown in bold.