Figure 4.
Myocardial T1 maps of a healthy subject generated using BLESSPC, InSiL, IG fit and the original fit with the same three MOLLI scans. Acquisition schemes included 5(3)3 with FA = 35°, 5(3)3 with FA = 50° and 5(0)3 with FA=35°. ROIs, represented by blue regions at the interventricular septum, were selected for average T1 calculation. Average T1 values at the selected ROIs are shown in the white or yellow box. Both BLESSPC and InSiL generated relatively consistent T1 values for different MOLLI scans using varying parameters. Compared to BLESSPC and InSiL, IG fit generated lower T1 values at a higher flip angle while original fit generated lower T1 values at a higher flip angle or when using 5(0)3 acquisition scheme (indicated using the yellow box).