Fig. 5.
Ligand binding kinetics of VEGF165a-TMR to VEGFR2. (a) Time course of VEGF165a-TMR binding to NLuc-VEGFR2. HEK293T cells expressing NLuc-VEGFR2 were treated with furimazine and the plate left to equilibrate for 5 min. Vehicle or VEGF165a-TMR (1–20 nM; coloured symbols) was then added to the appropriate wells, and measurements made every 30 s for 16 min at 37 °C. Data represent mean ± S.E.M from 5 independent experiments. Individual curves were fitted to a simple exponential association model to obtain Kobs. (b) A plot of Kobs values obtained in (a) with increasing concentrations of VEGF165a-TMR.