Figure 1. Heat map analysis of the gene expression pattern from antigen-specific CD8+T cells after i.n. or i.m. immunizations.
Mice were immunized via i.n. or i.m. routes (n=4 per group) with STxB-E7+α-GalCer (prime D0) and boosted at D14 with STxB-E7. At day 21, the BALs from the i.n. immunized mice and the spleens from i.m. immunized mice were collected. CD44hiTet+CD8+T cells were sorted and the RNA was extracted. Whole gene expression microarray analysis was performed according to the procedure described in the methods section. BALs CD8+T cells showed a typical Trm gene expression profile, which was not observed in splenic CD8+T cells (red square=overexpressed/blue square=underexpressed). Markers in red mean overexpressed in the CD8+T cells from the BAL, while markers in blue mean underexpressed in the CD8+T cells from the BAL. These extractions were reproduced at least three times.