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. 2017 May 18;2017(5):CD003650. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003650.pub4
Study Reason for exclusion
Aghdassi 2010 Trial participants had highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)‐related co‐morbidity
AIDS Policy Law 2012 Not a randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Arpadi 2012 Most trial participants were under 15 years of age
Austin 2006 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Balasubramanyam 2011 Co‐intervention present
Balfour 2014 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Brown 2015 This study did not report any relevant outcomes
Chow 2010 Trial participants had HAART‐related co‐morbidity
Coelho 2015 Not a RCT
Currier 2010 Not a RCT
Daneshpajouhnejad 2011 This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes
Etminani‐Esfahani 2012 Not a RCT
Gharakhanian 2011 Not a RCT
Groleau 2013 This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes
Havens 2012a This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes
Havens 2012b This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes
Havens 2012c This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes
Havens 2012d This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes
Hemsworth 2012 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Hummelen 2011 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Kaiser 2006 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Kakalia 2011a Most trial participants were less than 15 years of age
Kakalia 2011b Most trial participants were less than 15 years of age
Lachmann 2014 Not a RCT
Ladep 2010 Co‐intervention present
Lange 2009 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Lange 2011 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Lescoat 2012 Not a RCT
Lin 2013 Trial participants had HAART‐related co‐morbidity
Longenecker 2011 This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes
Madrid 2012 Not a RCT
Mandal 2011 This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes
Martineau 2013 Not a RCT
Mascitelli 2011 Not a RCT
Mburu 2010 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Mehta 2010 Not a RCT
Morgan 2010 Co‐intervention present
Motswagole 2013 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Pasquet 2011 Not a RCT
PrayGod 2011 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Schall 2016 The study did not report any relevant outcomes
Scrimgeour 2010 The study did not report any relevant outcomes
Singhal 2010 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Steenhoff 2015 More than 20% of the trial participants were less than 15 years of age
Stewart 2011 Co‐intervention present
Sudarsanam 2011 The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review
Visser 2011 The study did not report any relevant trial outcomes
Welz 2011 Not a RCT

Abbreviations: HAART: highly active antiretroviral therapy; RCT: randomized controlled trial.