Study | Reason for exclusion |
Aghdassi 2010 | Trial participants had highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)‐related co‐morbidity |
AIDS Policy Law 2012 | Not a randomized controlled trial (RCT) |
Arpadi 2012 | Most trial participants were under 15 years of age |
Austin 2006 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Balasubramanyam 2011 | Co‐intervention present |
Balfour 2014 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Brown 2015 | This study did not report any relevant outcomes |
Chow 2010 | Trial participants had HAART‐related co‐morbidity |
Coelho 2015 | Not a RCT |
Currier 2010 | Not a RCT |
Daneshpajouhnejad 2011 | This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes |
Etminani‐Esfahani 2012 | Not a RCT |
Gharakhanian 2011 | Not a RCT |
Groleau 2013 | This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes |
Havens 2012a | This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes |
Havens 2012b | This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes |
Havens 2012c | This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes |
Havens 2012d | This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes |
Hemsworth 2012 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Hummelen 2011 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Kaiser 2006 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Kakalia 2011a | Most trial participants were less than 15 years of age |
Kakalia 2011b | Most trial participants were less than 15 years of age |
Lachmann 2014 | Not a RCT |
Ladep 2010 | Co‐intervention present |
Lange 2009 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Lange 2011 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Lescoat 2012 | Not a RCT |
Lin 2013 | Trial participants had HAART‐related co‐morbidity |
Longenecker 2011 | This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes |
Madrid 2012 | Not a RCT |
Mandal 2011 | This study did not report any relevant trial outcomes |
Martineau 2013 | Not a RCT |
Mascitelli 2011 | Not a RCT |
Mburu 2010 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Mehta 2010 | Not a RCT |
Morgan 2010 | Co‐intervention present |
Motswagole 2013 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Pasquet 2011 | Not a RCT |
PrayGod 2011 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Schall 2016 | The study did not report any relevant outcomes |
Scrimgeour 2010 | The study did not report any relevant outcomes |
Singhal 2010 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Steenhoff 2015 | More than 20% of the trial participants were less than 15 years of age |
Stewart 2011 | Co‐intervention present |
Sudarsanam 2011 | The trial intervention was irrelevant to this review |
Visser 2011 | The study did not report any relevant trial outcomes |
Welz 2011 | Not a RCT |
Abbreviations: HAART: highly active antiretroviral therapy; RCT: randomized controlled trial.