Figure 2. 2i/LIF medium could sustain the ground state of ES cells while ActivinA/FGF2 passage the ES cells into primed state.
(A) Phase contrast images showed the cell morphology of pStat3-D3 cells in 2i+LIF, 2i-LIF, serum+LIF and serum-LIF. Images were taken after 48 hours in different culture conditions. Scale bars: 100 μm. (B) Relative expression of ground state genes (Tbx3, Bmp7, Tfcp21l and Esrrb) and primer state genes (Dnmt3b, Otx2 and Fgf5) in pStat3-D3 cells after 48 hours of 2i /LIF. (n = 3; *p <.05, **p < .01, ***p < .001). (C) Relative expression of ground state genes (Tbx3, Bmp7, Tfcp21l and Esrrb) and primer state genes (Dnmt3b, Otx2 and Fgf5) in pStat3-D3 cells after 48 hours of ActivinA/FGF2. (n = 3; *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001).