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. 2017 May 26;9(1):1353. doi: 10.4102/phcfm.v9i1.1353


Core clinical skills for the training of family physicians (N = 17).

Consensus score (%) Clinical skill
Perform common side-room tests
88 Use a glucometer
88 Use a haemoglobinometer
88 Perform a pregnancy test
94 Perform urinalysis
94 Venepuncture
Adult health – general
94 Femoral vein puncture
100 Lumbar puncture
88 Routine intravenous access in adults
88 Lymph node excision biopsy
77 Perform point-of-care testing for HIV
Adults – musculoskeletal
82 Measure shortening of the legs
94 Aspirate and inject the knee joint
94 Inject tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow
100 Interpret radiographs of joints
82 Inject carpal tunnel syndrome
76 Inject De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
82 Inject the shoulder and subacromial bursa
77 Inject trochanteric bursitis
Adults – abdomen
94 Test stool for occult blood
100 Incision and drainage of perianal haematoma
100 Interpret the abdominal radiograph in an adult
94 Proctoscopy
76 Interpret barium swallows
Adults – chest
100 Electrocardiogram set up, record and interpret
100 Interpret chest radiograph
100 Measure peak expiratory flow
94 Nebulise a patient
100 Pleural tap
100 Use inhalers and spacers
88 Exercise stress test
70 Perform and interpret office spirometry
Adults – urology
100 Penile block
100 Reduce a paraphimosis
100 Circumcision
100 Drain hydrocele
94 Insert a urinary catheter
94 Insert a suprapubic catheter
82 Interpret intravenous pyelogram
76 Vasectomy
70 Subconjunctival injections
70 Use a Schiotz tonometer
100 Fundoscopy (diabetes, hypertension)
88 Instil drops or apply ointment
100 Remove foreign body from the eye
100 Test for squint
100 Washout of eyes (chemical burns)
Ear, nose and throat
82 Assess hearing loss
82 Reduce a fractured nose
100 Remove a foreign body from ear and nose
100 Syringe, dry swab an ear
94 Take a throat swab
100 Manage epistaxis (cautery, packing)
82 Perform Rinne and Weber tests
100 Suture a pinna lobe
82 Drain a peritonsillar abscess
82 Inject keloids
82 Phenol ablation of ingrown toenail
100 Excise sebaceous cyst (other lumps, bumps)
100 Apply a compression dressing to venous leg ulcer
100 Cryotherapy or cauterisation
100 Skin biopsy (punch and shave) or skin scrapes
100 Wide-needle aspiration biopsy lymph node
94 Obstetric ultrasound
100 Interpret antenatal growth chart
94 Assess foetal well-being during labour
100 Episiotomy and suturing
94 Examine a pregnant woman
94 Examine progress during labour and use partogram
94 Normal vaginal delivery
100 Speculum examination
100 Apply and interpret the cardiotocograph
94 Assess foetal movement
100 Assisted vaginal delivery or vacuum extraction or forceps
94 Caesarean section
100 Evacuation of uterus
100 Manual removal of placenta
94 Repair of third-degree tear
82 Pelvic ultrasound (transvaginal)
Woman’s health
88 Culdocentesis
100 Hormone implants
82 Laparotomy for ectopic pregnancy
70 Termination of pregnancy
100 Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device
100 Papanicolaou smears
88 Dilatation and curettage
88 Drainage of Bartholin’s abscess or cyst
76 Endometrial biopsy or sampling
94 Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of breast lump
88 Tubal ligation
71 Cervical polyp removal
100 Well newborn check
100 Assess gestational age at birth
100 Kangaroo mother care
100 Resuscitate a newborn
94 Umbilical vein catheterisation
100 Patient-centred consultation
100 Use genogram and eco-map
100 Develop and use flowcharts for chronic care
100 Motivate behaviour change
100 Assess and consult families, couples
100 Shared consultation to capacitate nurse practitioner
100 Counselling skills for HIV, termination of pregnancy, sexual assault
100 Break bad news
94 Mini–Mental State Examination
100 Use problem-orientated medical record
94 Conduct a family conference
100 Cope with language barriers
100 Holistic assessment and management
100 Sexual history and counselling
100 Calculate % burn
100 Manage choking
94 Give oxygen
100 Immobilise spine
100 Intubate and manage airway
94 Measure the Glasgow Coma Scale
94 Administer rabies prophylaxis
100 Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Adult
94 Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Child
100 Debride wounds or burns
100 Gastric lavage
100 Give a blood transfusion
100 Incision and drainage of abscesses
100 Insert chest drain
100 Insert nasogastric tube
100 Interpret radiographs in trauma
88 Intravenous cut down
94 Manage snake bite
100 Primary survey
100 Relieve tension pneumothorax
100 Remove a splinter fish hook
100 Secondary survey
88 Selecting emergency equipment for doctors’ bag or emergency tray
94 Suture lacerations
82 Transport critically ill
76 Cricothyroidotomy
70 Insert central line
94 Apply finger and hand splints
94 Apply casts to upper and lower limb
100 Closed reductions for hand, forearm, tibia, fibula
88 Set up traction skeletal and skin
94 Reduce elbow dislocation
82 Reduce hip dislocation
94 Reduce radial head dislocation
100 Reduce shoulder dislocation
82 Excise ganglion
88 Amputations – fingers
76 Apply club foot cast
76 Debridement of open fractures
76 Fasciotomy
94 Injections – intra-dermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular, deep intramuscular, sub-conjunctival
100 Ring block
94 Administer oxygen
88 Check Boyle’s machine
94 Control airways with mask
82 General anaesthetic
82 Inhalation induction
82 Intravenous induction
94 Intubate and ventilate patient
82 Ketamine anaesthesia
88 Monitor patient during anaesthetic
88 Recover patient – recovery room
82 Reverse muscle relaxation (mixed drugs)
88 Set airflow – Magill Circle, T-piece
94 Spinal anaesthetic
70 Sterilise equipment
94 Ventilate patient mask and hand
76 Biers block
82 Brachial block
Child health
100 Assess growth and classify malnutrition
94 Capillary blood sampling – finger and heel
94 Chest radiograph in child
100 Developmental assessment
100 How to do and interpret Tine and Mantoux tests
94 Intraosseous line
100 Intravenous access in a child
94 Lumbar puncture in a child
100 Manage problems using the integrated management of childhood
94 Suprapubic bladder puncture
100 Venepuncture – upper limb and external jugular vein
94 Manage neonatal jaundice with phototherapy
Clinical administration
100 Complete sick certificates
100 Complete death certificates
100 Certify patient under Mental Health Care Act
100 Making appropriate referrals and letters
100 Managing a clinic for chronic care, for example, HIV and ARVs
76 Perform work assessment and complete disability grant forms
100 Assess, manage and document drunken driving
100 Assess, manage and document interpersonal violence
100 Assess, manage and document sexual assault
100 Complete J-88 form following assault
Palliative care
100 Counselling of a dying patient
70 Hypodermoclysis (subcutaneous infusion)
76 Set up a syringe driver
Clinical governance
100 Able to contribute to the development or revision of guidelines
100 Able to facilitate the implementation of clinical guidelines within the subdistrict
100 Able to improve quality of care by facilitating quality improvement cycles (including the audit of clinical care as one step in the cycle)
100 Able to improve cost-effectiveness through reflection on routinely collected data, particularly rational prescribing and use of investigations
100 Build capability and quality care through teaching, training and mentoring
100 Able to critically appraise new evidence
76 Able to appraise the competence of new clinicians and set appropriate levels of independence versus support
94 Able to evaluate the quality of care in relation to the relevant clinically orientated national core standards
Community-orientated primary care
94 Able to do a home visit
100 Able to make a community diagnosis, and interpret and prioritise health indicators
100 Able to promote health in communities
Teaching and training
100 Able to plan and implement a teaching or continuing professional development activity
100 Able to use a portfolio of learning
100 Able to mentor a colleague
100 Able to facilitate small group learning
100 Able to prepare and give a presentation