Introduction Thank you so much for
participating in our evaluation of Memory Matters (MM). To follow-up on
your participation, I would like to ask some open-ended questions. My
objective in this interview is to determine why MM benefited you and the
person/persons with memory loss or not. |
Opening Question
Just to get us started, I’d like each of you to tell
me a little bit more about the person with memory
loss/persons with memory loss you care for. How did your
first find out about her/his memory problems/How did you get
involved in providing memory care?
Probes: When did you first start providing help to the person
with memory loss because of her/his dementia? What are
things like now?
Introductory Question
What were some of the benefits of the MM to you? Why?
What were some of the benefits of the MM to the person with
memory loss? Why?
Why do you think MM helped you? Why not?
Why do you think MM helped the person/persons with memory
loss? Why not?
Harm and drawbacks |
MM components and
outcomes |
Ending Question |