str-2::GFP expression in tir-1 mutants and mosaic animals. (A–H) Confocal projections of animals expressing an integrated str-2::GFP transgene; animals in E–H are from a strain with an unstable transgenic array bearing odr-3::tir-1 and odr-1::DsRed. GFP and DsRed were false-colored green and red, respectively. (A) Wild-type animals express str-2::GFP in one AWC neuron (1 AWCON/1 AWCOFF). (B,C) tir-1(ky388) (B) and tir-1(RNAi) (C) animals express str-2::GFP in both AWC neurons (2 AWCON). (D) Animals overexpressing the transgene odr-3::tir-1 did not express str-2::GFP in either AWC neuron (2 AWCOFF). (E–H) Phenotypes from mosaic analysis. (E) Animals that lost the odr-3::tir-1, odr-1::DsRed array had wild-type str-2::GFP expression. (F) Nonmosaic animals expressing odr-1::DsRed in both AWC neurons had a 2 AWCOFF phenotype. (G,H) Mosaic animals expressing odr-1::DsRed in one AWC neuron. Most tir-1(gf) AWC neurons (DsRed+) bearing the transgene odr-3::tir-1 were AWCOFF, while wild-type AWC neurons (DsRed–) were either AWCON (G) or AWCOFF (H) with equal frequency. Arrows indicate the AWC cell body. odr-1::DsRed is also visible in AWB, a smaller cell (yellow arrowheads). Bar, 10 μm. Anterior is at left and ventral is down in lateral or ventrolateral views in A and C–H; ventral view in B.(I) tir-1(ky388) animals were shifted between restrictive temperature (20°C) and permissive temperature (15°C) at various points during development. For the downshift (from 20°C to 15°C), a significant increase in 2 AWCON animals was observed between the embryo and L1 shift (P < 0.001). For the upshift (from 15°C to 20°C), a significant difference in the 2 AWCON phenotype was observed between the embryo and L1 shift (P < 0.001). (E) Embryo 2 h after egg laying; (L1) first larval stage; (L2) second larval stage; (L3) third larval stage. (J) Embryos were shifted from 20°C to 15°C at different times after egg laying. A significant increase in the 2 AWCON mutant phenotype occurred between the shifts at the embryonic stage 8 h after egg laying and L1 (∼15 h after egg laying) (P = 0.001). When shifted at L1, tir-1 mutants exhibited a 2 AWCON phenotype similar to that of mutants raised continuously at 20°C (P = 0.1). The AWC neurons are born ∼1 h after egg laying. Axon outgrowth starts ∼3.5 h after egg laying (arrowhead). The percentage of animals with 2 AWCON phenotypes in tir-1(ky388) animals raised continuously at 15°C or 20°C is indicated at the left of each graph. Error bars denote the standard error of proportion.