Table 3.
Relationships between self-reported frequencies of hearing chemical alarms to measures of cortical volume reported as B (SE).
Unstandardized coefficients B(SE) | Frontal GM | Parietal GM | Temporal GM | Occipital GM |
Intercept | 45,930 (14,120) | 41,254 (12,157) | 34,496 (10,770) | 15,549 (6564) |
Hearing chemical alarms | −2914 (1182) | −2558 (995) | −852 (873) | −1846 (520) |
Age | −551 (134) | −428 (113) | −355 (101) | −186 (61) |
Male sex | −7764 (3274) | −2392 (2812) | 1425 (2521) | −2110 (1530) |
ICV | 0.099 (0.008) | 0.072 (0.007) | 0.056 (0.006) | 0.028 (0.004) |
KS-GWI | 2062 (24,316) | 2265 (1951) | 1758 (1745) | 1268 (1073) |
2000 Khamisiyah plume exposure | −3217 (2142) | −3090 (1814) | −1744 (1615) | −1381 (1005) |
Current MDD | 2449 (3432) | 693 (2993) | −814 (2645) | −1436 (1566) |
Current PTSD | −4882 (3543) | −6578 (3079) | −4069 (2728) | −860 (1571) |
Current psychotropic medication use | −1108 (2805) | −301 (2464) | −2238 (2159) | 724 (1372) |
Past ETOH abuse/dependence | 3031 (2547) | 2753 (2186) | 964 (1959) | 958 (1127) |
Past substance abuse/dependence | 2868 (3943) | 3273 (3561) | 1763 (3026) | 1234 (1724) |
Bold: adjusted p < 0.04.
GM, gray matter; ICV, intracranial volume; GWI, Gulf War Illness; MDD, Major Depressive Disorder; PTSD, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; ETOH, alcohol.