Table 4. Statistical significance of the activations.
F(df) | P | MNI Coordinates | Cluster size(voxels) | Anatomical region | Contrasts used1 | |
Condition effect | ||||||
5.55 (3, 120) | .001 | -38 -4 -14 | 114 | L | Inferior temporal gyrus (BA 21, 20) | Task B > A Task D > C Independent of group |
4.15 (3,120) | .008 | 38 0–22 | 92 | R | Superior temporal gyrus (BA 38); Claustrum | |
3.53 (3,120) | .017 | 14 36 -6 | 92 | R | Medial frontal gyrus (BA 45, 46, 10); Anterior cingulate (BA 32) | |
3.37 (3, 120) | .021 | -18 -20 -22 | 21 | L | Parahippocampal gyrus (BA 28); Substantia nigra; | |
3.09 (3, 120) | .029 | -14 40 -18 | 4 | L | Cerebellum anterior lobe (culmen) | |
Group effect | ||||||
15.61 (1, 120) | < .001 | 30 4 -6 | 122 | R | Claustrum; Insula | T1D > Control |
13.5 (1, 120) | < .001 | -26 8 -6 | 159 | L | Putamen (Lentiform Nucleus) | |
11.27 (1, 120) | .001 | 42 -24 18 | 87 | R | Fusiform gyrus; Inferior temporal lobe (BA 20) | |
9.59 (1, 120) | .002 | 2 -52 -22 | 33 | B | Cerebellum anterior lobe (culmen) | |
6.78 (1, 120) | .01 | 6 -56 -46 | 37 | R | Cerebellum posterior lobe (tonsil) | |
Group x Condition | ||||||
5.13 (3, 120) | .002 | 14 -44 -18 | 57 | R | Cerebellum anterior lobe (culmen) | TD1 > Control |
3.89 (3, 120) | .011 | -26 -36 -18 | 19 | L | Cerebellum anterior lobe (culmen) | TD1 > Control |
2.95 (3, 120) | .035 | 14 -60 -30 | 7 | R | Cerebellum posterior lobe (uvula) | Control > TD1 |
2.8 (3, 120) | .042 | 42 8 -30 | 4 | R | Superior temporal gyrus (BA 38) | Control > TD1 |
2.74 (3, 120) | .045 | -10 56 -18 | 4 | L | Inferior frontal gyrus (BA 11, 47) | TD1 > Control |
F = Snedecor’s F statistic; df = degrees of freedom; p = statistical significance; MNI coordinates = x, y, z coordinates of cluster peaks; L = left; R = right; B = bilateral; BA = Brodmann’s area.
1The first task/group presented more activation than the second task/group.