Exogenous ΔNp63α does not induce target gene expression in pHAECs. (A) Quantitative RT-PCR of ΔNp63, 48 hours after transduction with adenovirus expressing either LacZ or ΔNp63α (multiplicity of infection [MOI] = 0.15 plaque-forming units [pfu]/cell), indicates robust induction of ΔNp63 mRNA expression. (B) Representative immunoblot of ΔNp63α protein, 72 hours after transduction with adenovirus and (C) densitometry analysis of ΔNp63α protein expression in n = 3 experiments, indicates a significant up-regulation of ΔNp63α protein. Values were normalized to β-tubulin as a loading control, and are shown as fold change over untreated control values (dashed line). (D–F) Quantitative RT-PCR of candidate downstream target genes, 48 hours after adenoviral transduction in n = 4 pHAECs. (D) β-catenin. (E) Epidermal growth factor receptor. (F) Jagged1. Statistical significance was assessed using an unpaired two-tailed t test between LacZ and ΔNp63α adenovirus treatment. Dashed line represents values in untreated control samples. **P < 0.01. ***P < 0.001.