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. 2017 May 24;13:219–222. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.05.014

Table 1.

Description of the files in the dataset containing acquired data and associated meta-data for a particular participant.

Data files Description
participants.tsv Basic demographics for each participant: gender, age group (five-year bin size), and self-reported handedness.
*run-??_bold.nii.gz raw fMRI BOLD images.
*rec-dico_run-??_bold.nii.gz Distortion corrected BOLD images [11].
*motion_physio.tsv.gz Whitespace-delimited 6-column text file with motion estimates with translation along X, Y, Z axes in mm and rotation around X, Y, Z axes in deg. It contains one row per fMRI dynamic for each acquisition run.
*_events.tsv Text files, one for each acquisition run, with 4-columns. The columns describe the onset, duration of a stimulus trial (in seconds) and the associated stimulus orientation (in deg) presented in the left (lh_orientation), and in the right hemifield (rh_orientation). A stimulus orientation label of none indicates that no stimulus was present in the respective trial (unilateral stimulation).
*task-coverage* fMRI acquisition with enhanced spatial coverage at 0.8 mm resolution to facilitate alignment of high-resolution BOLD images with limited coverage to other functional or structural images.