Table 1.
Summary of Mathematical Functions
Ages and calendar times used as arguments in the survival functions | ||||
x | Current age in years | y | Current (calendar) time in years | |
x0 | Minimal age observed in data (see Figure 1) | y00 | Initial time in data (see Figure 1) | |
x̄0 = max(x0, y00 − yb) | The cohort-specific bounding (minimal) age | ȳ0 = yb + x̄0 | The cohort-specific bounding (minimal) time | |
τ, x̄0 < τ ≤ x | Age at diagnosis | yd = y − x + τ | Time of diagnosis | |
x00 = y00 − y + x | The cohort specific age at y00 | y0 = y − x + x0 | The cohort-specific time of reaching age x0 | |
yb = y − x | Time of birth for a cohort | |||
| ||||
Survival analysis functions for age-specific prevalence and mortality | ||||
Pc(x, yb) | Probability of being prevalent at age x in cohort with birth time yb | |||
Ic(τ, yb) | Incidence density function for birth cohort yb. The normalization rule for the density is | |||
Mc(x, yb) | Mortality density function for birth cohort yb. The normalization rule for the density is | |||
Survival function and respective density function of a patient group formed at age x̄0 and time ȳ0, diagnosed before x̄0, and survived to x (i.e., living x − x̄0 years after cohort forming) | |||
Survival function and respective density function of a patient group diagnosed at age τ and time yd, and survived to x (i.e., living x − τ years after cohort forming) | |||
St(x − τ, τ, yd) and μ(x, y) | Survival function and respective mortality hazard function in the general population for the cohort formed at age τ and yd, i.e., St(0, τ, yd) = 1. | |||
| ||||
Survival analysis functions for age-adjusted prevalence and mortality | ||||
P(x, y) | Prevalence at age x and time y | |||
I(x, y) | Incidence hazard function at age x and time y | |||
M(x, y) | Incidence based mortality hazard function at age x and time y | |||
P(y) | Age-adjusted prevalence at time y | |||
M(y) | Age-adjusted Incidence-based mortality hazard function at time y | |||
Relative survival and respective density function of a patient group diagnosed at age τ and year yd, and reached age x (i.e., living x − τ years after diagnosis and cohort forming) | |||
Relative survival and respective density function of a patient group function of a patient group formed at age x̄0 and time ȳ0, diagnosed before x̄0, and survived to age x (i.e., living x − x̄0 years after cohort forming) | |||
p(x) | the density of age distribution in a standard year | |||
T(y) and T̂(y) | Specific contributions to the time trends of age-adjusted disease prevalence and incidence-based mortality (discussed in detail in Interpretation of partitioning components) |