Figure 1.
The stimuli and trial sequence. (a) Action-related stimuli (top row) were images of door handles that were oriented as if to imply a grasp by the left or right hand. Non-action-related stimuli (bottom row) were comprised of the same components as their action-related counterparts, but the orientation of the semicircular ‘fulcrum’ was rotated 180 degrees so that the image no longer resembled a handle. The action-related and non-action-related stimuli were matched closely for global shape, elongation, and directionality. On target-present trials, one of the stimuli (the target) differed from the distractors with respect to its left-right orientation. (b) Trials began with one second of central fixation (monitored with an eye-tracker). The 4-item search array was displayed until response and feedback was provided. The participant’s task was to detect whether a target was present, or not, by pressing a key on a keyboard with the index finger of the left or right hand (counterbalanced across observers). The stimulus array shown in (b) depicts a ‘target-present’ trial in which a rightward-oriented target is embedded among three leftward-oriented distractors.