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. 2017 May 23;2017:7261468. doi: 10.1155/2017/7261468

Table 2.

Description of the included studies.

Reference Country Design Type of study Comparison group Subjects (dropout) Outcomes Overall quality
Åkerblom et al., 2015 [25] Sweden Noncontrolled study Outcome predictors N/A 409 (145) Pain, psychological factors, pain interference Medium
Amris et al., 2014 [26] Netherlands RCT Comparison with control WL 191 (21) QOL, pain, psychological factors, FIQ, movement High
Anderson and Winkler, 2006 [27] US Controlled trial Comparison with control TAU 98 (5) QOL, pain, psychological factors, FIQ, tender points Low
Angst et al., 2006 [28] Switzerland Noncontrolled study Comparison with control TAU 225 (100) QOL, pain, pain interference, psychological factors Low
Angst et al., 2009 [29] Controlled trial Pre-post evaluation TAU 331 (121) QOL, pain, psychological factors Low
Bailey et al., 1999 [30] Canada Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 149 (43) Pain, pain interference, psychological factors, FIQ, physical fitness Low
Bourgault et al., 2015 [31] Canada RCT Comparison with control WL 58 (15) QOL, pain, psychological factors, pain interference, FIQ, perception of improvement Medium
Carbonell-Baeza et al., 2011 [32] Spain Controlled trial Comparison with control TAU + education 75 (10) Tender points count, pain threshold, physical fitness, BMI Medium
Carbonell-Baeza et al., 2011 [33] Controlled trial Comparison with control TAU + education 75 (10) QOL, pain, psychological factors, FIQ Medium
Carbonell-Baeza et al., 2012 [34] Controlled trial Comparison with additional treatment Biodanza 38 (7) QOL, pain, psychological factors, FIQ, physical fitness, tender points Medium
Casanueva-Fernández et al., 2012 [35] Spain RCT Comparison with control TAU + education 34 (6) QOL, pain, psychological factors, FIQ, fatigue, sleep, tender points count, pain threshold, physical fitness Medium
Castel et al., 2013 [36] Spain RCT Comparison with control TAU 155 (28) Pain, psychological factors, FIQ, sleep High
Cedraschi et al., 2004 [37] Switzerland RCT Comparison with control WL 164 (35) QOL, pain, psychological factors, FIQ, tender points count, satisfaction High
De Rooij et al., 2013 [38] Netherlands Noncontrolled study Outcome predictors N/A 138 (18) Pain, psychological factors, pain interference, perception of improvement Low
Gustafsson et al., 2002 [39] Sweden Controlled trial Comparison with control TAU 43 (2) Movement, pain drawings, pain, QOL, pain interference Low
Hammond and Freeman, 2006 [40] UK RCT Comparison with control Relaxation training 183 (80) FIQ, psychological factors, physical activity, healthcare use, perception of improvement Medium
Hamnes et al., 2012 [41] Norway RCT Comparison with control WL 147 (29) Psychological factors, FIQ, care-management skills Medium
Hooten et al., 2007 [42] US Noncontrolled study Comparison between male and female N/A 66 (7) QOL, pain, psychological factors, pain interference, drug usage Low
Hooten et al., 2007 [43] Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 159 (17) QOL, pain, pain interference, activity, psychological factors Low
Kas et al., 2015 [44] US Controlled trial Comparison with additional treatment Multidisciplinary + increased exercise 79 (0) FIQ Medium
Keel et al., 1998 [45] Switzerland RCT Comparison with control Relaxation training 32 (5) Pain, psychological factors, sleep, changes in drug treatment, satisfaction Low
Kroese et al., 2009 [46] Netherlands Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 105 (5) FIQ, QOL, satisfaction Low
van Eijk-Hustings et al., 2013 [47] RCT Comparison with control Aerobic exercise and TAU 203 (69) QOL, activity, FIQ, healthcare use, sick leave Medium
Lemstra and Olszynski, 2005 [48] Canada RCT Comparison with control Family physician 79 (8) Pain, pain interference, psychological factors High
Lera et al., 2009 [49] Spain RCT Comparison with additional treatment Multidisciplinary + CBT 83 (27) QOL, FIQ, psychological factors, tender points count High
Marcus et al., 2014 [50] US Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 274 (67) Pain, ADL, movement, FIQ Low
Martìn et al., 2012 [51] Spain RCT Comparison with control Pharmacotherapy 180 (70) QOL, pain, psychological factors, pain interference, FIQ, satisfaction Medium
Martìn et al., 2014 [52] RCT Comparison with control Pharmacotherapy 180 (70) FIQ, psychological factors, satisfaction Medium
Martìn et al., 2014 [53] RCT Comparison with control Pharmacotherapy 180 (70) FIQ Medium
Martìn et al., 2014 [54] RCT Comparison with control Pharmacotherapy 180 (70) Pain, FIQ Medium
Martins et al., 2014 [55] Brazil Controlled trial Comparison with control TAU 27 (0) QOL, pain, psychological factors, FIQ, sleep Low
Mengshoel et al., 1995 [56] Norway Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 16 (3) Pain, fatigue, sleep, adjustments of daily life Low
Michalsen et al., 2013 [57] Germany Controlled trial Comparison with additional treatment Other multidisciplinary treatments 48 (6) Pain, psychological factors, FIQ, sleep, BMI Medium
Nielson and Jensen, 2004 [58] Canada Noncontrolled study Outcome predictors N/A 253 (55) QOL, pain, psychological factors, pain interference, activity Medium
Persson et al., 2012 [59] Sweden Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 813 (304) Pain, psychological factors, pain interference, activity Low
Ripley et al., 2003 [60] US Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 21 (0) Pain, psychological factors, FIQ, fatigue, sleep, comorbidities Low
Romeyke et al., 2014 [61] Austria Controlled trial Comparison with control Multidisciplinary + hyperthermia 104 (0) Pain, chronic pain stage, severity of symptoms, pain interference Low
Salgueiro et al., 2013 [62] Spain Noncontrolled study Outcome predictors N/A 72 (0) Pain, FIQ, QOL, psychological factors Low
Saral et al., 2016 [63] Turkey RCT Comparison with control Long term versus short term versus no treatment 66 (7) QOL, pain, psychological factors, FIQ, fatigue, sleep, tender points count, pain threshold, physical functioning Medium
Stein and Miclescu, 2013 [64] Sweden Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 59 (8) Pain, psychological factors, QOL, sick leave duration, healthcare use, drug usage Low
Suman et al., 2009 [65] Italy Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 25 (0) Pain, psychological factors, tender points count, pain threshold Low
Turk et al., 1998 [66] US Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 70 (3) Pain, psychological factors, pain interference, FIQ, disability, marital satisfaction Medium
Van Koulil et al., 2011 [67] Netherlands RCT Comparison with control WL 158 (45) Physical fitness High
van Wilgen et al., 2007 [68] Netherlands Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 65 (0) QOL, pain, psychological factors, FIQ, physical fitness Low
Wennemer et al., 2006 [69] US Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 23 (3) QOL, FIQ, movement Low
Worrel et al., 2001 [70] US Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 100 (26) Pain, psychological factors, FIQ, pain interference, sleep, fatigue Low
Pfeiffer et al., 2003 [71] Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 100 (22) QOL, FIQ, psychological factors Low
Oh et al., 2010 [72] Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 984 (463) QOL, FIQ, satisfaction Low
Vincent et al., 2013 [73] Noncontrolled study Pre-post evaluation N/A 7 (0) QOL, FIQ, psychological factors, fatigue Low