Fig. 8.
Raising Cdca7 levels in lateral cortex has no detectable effects on cell proliferation. A–D, F–I Brains electroporated with either the control or Cdca7 plasmid at A–D E12.5 and F–I E14.5 processed for BrdU incorporation. B′, D′, G′, I′ High magnification of the areas outlined in B, D, G, I. Arrows point to cells co-labelled with BrdU and GFP and B″ and G″ show magnified examples. E The frequencies of BrdU+ cells in the population of GFP+ cells after E12.5 electroporation (mean ± SEM; control, n = 4: Cdca7, n = 3): there is no significant difference (Student’s t-test). J The frequencies of BrdU+ cells in the population of GFP+ cells after E14.5 electroporation (mean ± SEM; control, n = 3; Cdca7, n = 4): there is no significant difference (Student’s t-test). CP cortical plate. All scale bars 50 µm