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. 2017 Jun 5;18:442. doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3827-y

Table 1.

Summary of the assessment of the three protocols for different input amounts and sample degradation stages

RNA seq Protocol RNA Input 1 ng 2 ng 5 ng 10 ng 20 ng 100 ng Conclusion
TruSeq stranded mRNA Intact = + ++ +++ +++ +++ +Works well at low amounts down to 5 ng
-Captures polyadenylated RNAs only
-Not suited for degraded or highly degraded samples
Degraded * * * * * ++
Highly deg. * * * * * *
RiboZero stranded RNA Intact + + ++ ++ ++ ++ +Works well over all input amounts
+Captures all RNAs (coding & non coding)
+Compares well to mRNA protocol
+Well suited for degraded samples
-Requires higher sequencing depth
-Not suited for highly degraded samples
Degraded + + ++ ++ ++ ++
Highly deg. * * * −−
RNA access Intact = ++ ++ ++ * +Performs well on all samples down to 5 ng
+Requires less sequencing depth
+Suited for degraded and highlydegraded samples
-Captures only preselected RNAs and is only available for human samples
-Less similar to the other two protocols
Degraded = ++ ++ ++ *
Highly deg. −− = + + *

A +, ++, or +++ indicates that the protocol performed (very) well on the input, = indicates borderline performance, and a – or – – indicates an unsatisfactory performance. The symbol * is used to indicate input conditions that were not tested