Conditional ablation of Pgrmc2 or Pgrmc1/2 results in formation of endometrial cysts after 3 months of age. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin stain showing histology of representative uterine cross sections from control (fl/fl), heterozygous (d/fl), and conditional knockout (d/d) mice at 5 to 8 months of age (n= 3 to 10 per genotype). (B) High-magnification light microscopy (a, b) and TEM (c, d) show that uteri from Pgrmc1/2d/d mice display abnormal uterine histoarchitecture. Note the (a) breakdown of basement membrane and disrupted epithelial-stromal interface in Pgrmc1/2d/d female mice, (b) heavily vacuolated nuclei in the glandular epithelium, (c) accumulation of intracellular inclusion bodies, and (d) excessive plasma membrane within the epithelial compartments. E, epithelium; L, glandular lumen; S, stroma.