Follicles cultured in the presence of DHT had a 10-fold increased incidence of
early antrum formation. (a) The number of follicles in the absence and presence
of DHT that formed an antrum by 72 hours of culture. Numbers above the bars are
the percentage of follicles that formed an antrum (P <
0.0001; two-sided Fisher’s exact test. (b–f) Examples of
preantral follicles with an antrum (arrowed, translucent area within the GCs)
cultured in DHT. (g) Confocal image of DHT-treated follicle exposed to DHT
in vitro with oocyte (ooc) and antrum arrowed. (h) Diameter
of follicles at 48 hours (i.e., at the onset of possible
antrum formation) that did, or did not, have an antrum at 72 hours. Four
statistical comparisons were made (to compare diameter of follicles with and
without antra within a treatment; and of follicles with, or without, antra
between treatments) using one-way ANOVA with a Sidak’s multiple
comparison test. ***P < 0.001. ns,
not significant.