Adipocyte-specific inactivation of Hilpda has no effect on
indicators of lipolysis in mice injected with CL316,243. (a)
Hilpda mRNA levels in whole gonadal adipose tissue, and in
freshly separated adipocytes and SVF of
Hilpdaflox/flox (n = 4) and
HilpdaΔAT mice (n = 4). Gene expression
levels of Hilpda in adipose tissue from
Hilpdaflox/flox mice were set at one. (b) NEFA
release in medium of primary adipocytes differentiated from the SVF of iWAT
from HilpdaΔAT mice (n = 3) and
Hilpdaflox/flox mice (n = 3), serum starved for
2 hours, and incubated with 10 µM isoproterenol or 10 µM
CL316,243 for 3 hours. (c) NEFA and (d) glycerol release in medium of WAT
explants of HilpdaΔAT mice (n = 3) and
Hilpdaflox/flox mice (n = 3), serum starved for
30 min, and incubated with 10 µM isoproterenol for 3 hours. (e)
Hilpda mRNA levels in eWAT of
Hilpdaflox/flox (n = 8/treatment) and
HilpdaΔAT (n = 8/treatment) mice excised
and snap frozen 3 hours after subcutaneous injection with 1 mg/kg CL316,243 or
saline control. Gene expression levels of saline-treated
Hilpdaflox/flox mice were set at one. (f)
Hilpda mRNA levels in freshly isolated adipocytes or SVF
isolated from eWAT of Hilpdaflox/flox (n =
8/treatment) and HilpdaΔAT mice (n =
8/treatment) 3 hours after subcutaneous injection with 1 mg/kg CL316,243 or
saline control. Gene expression levels of the SVF of saline-treated
Hilpdaflox/flox mice were set at one. Plasma
levels of (g) NEFA and glycerol and (h) triglycerides and glucose of
Hilpdaflox/flox (n = 8/treatment) and
HilpdaΔAT (n = 8/treatment) mice 3 hours
after subcutaneous injection with 1 mg/kg CL316,243 or saline control. (i)
Tissue weights of iWAT and eWAT of Hilpdaflox/flox
mice (n = 8/treatment) and HilpdaΔAT mice (n
= 8/treatment) 3 hours after subcutaneous injection with 1 mg/kg CL316,243 or
saline control. Data are mean ± standard error of the mean. (a and e)
Asterisks indicate significant differences according to Student
t test (*) relative to adipose tissue or SVF of
saline-treated Hilpdaflox/flox mice. Asterisks or
hashtags indicate significant differences according to two-way analysis of
variance (#), followed by Tukey’s honest significant difference
post hoc test (*) relative to (b and c)
control-treated adipocytes or (d–h) saline-treated mice (#) and relative
to (d and f–h) Hilpdaflox/flox mice
(*); ** or ##P < 0.01;
*P < 0.05. Ctrl, control; Iso,