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. 2017 Jun;153:109–121. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.03.041

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

ERF and source reconstruction results. Summary of laterality (separately for left and right), attention, expectation violation main effects, and attention by expectation violation interactions. In each panel, the first row depicts the timing and topography of event-related field effects at the scalp level. The left figure represents the posterior-anterior displacement of the effect as a function of time (y axis, from 20 to 400 ms). The red arrow indicates the ERF maximal peak; e.g., in central-anterior locations, at around 80 ms (left stimulation) and 50 ms (right stimulation) and in a central location at around 100 ms (attention). The central figure represents the left-right displacement as a function of time (y axis, from 20 to 400 ms). Again, the red arrow indicates the ERF maximal peak; e.g., in the right hemisphere (left stimulation), left hemisphere (right stimulation) or close to the midline (attention). Finally, the right figure depicts the topography of the ERF effect at the peak time point; e.g., over anterior right sensors (left stimulation), anterior left sensors (right stimulation), widespread across posterior and anterior sensors (attention). The second row illustrates the topography of reconstructed sources. The analysis identified four bilateral sources (S1, S2, IFG, and IPC). The specific locations of left and right S1 sources (MNI coordinates: left [−26, −36, 58]; right [32, −40, 64]) were derived by comparing right vs. left and left vs. right stimulation (i.e., laterality main effect). We established bilateral S2 coordinates (MNI coordinates: left [−62, 14, 20]; right [62, 24, 26]) by comparing attended vs. unattended pain, regardless the stimulation side. Finally, we identified left inferior frontal and right inferior parietal regions (MNI coordinates: left IFG [−54, 8, 16]; right IPC [36, −66, 40]) in the expectation violation main effect, as well as right inferior frontal and left inferior parietal regions (MNI coordinates: right IFG [54, 0, 10]; left IPC [−32, −64, 46]) in the attention by expectation violation interaction. The identified sources were then entered into a dynamic causal modelling specifying alternative connectivity architectures. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)