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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Jun 6.
Published in final edited form as: Early Educ Dev. 2013 Dec 20;25(5):681–702. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2013.825190


Parameter Coefficients and Standard Errors From Multilevel Modeling Analyses Examining Child Behavior Problems and Teacher EF Predicting Teacher Stress

Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Variable b SE b SE b SE b SE
Teacher characteristics
 Teacher perceptions of child behavior problems   0.76***   0.10   0.70***   0.11   0.63***   0.10   0.62***   0.11
 Teacher EF: WebExec −0.48   0.30 −0.45   0.27 −0.49   0.27
 Teacher EF: BLS total number of letters correct   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
 Teacher EF: Trails % correct Part B (mixed trials) −2.56*   1.15 −2.30*   1.15 −2.27*   1.04
 Teacher cognitive ability: Trails % correct Part A (letter-/number-only trials)   1.76   1.90   3.59   1.95   3.55   2.15
 Teacher is African American/Black −0.16   0.12 −0.17   0.11
 Teacher is female   0.05   0.16   0.02   0.16
 Bachelor’s degree or higher −0.10   0.14 −0.09   0.14
 Lead teacher   0.04   0.11   0.03   0.11
 Behavior Problems × Teacher EF: Trails % correct Part B   0.62   3.21
Classroom characteristics
 Class size   0.05**   0.02   0.05**   0.02
 Head Start classroom (i.e., age of children in classroom) −0.22   0.15 −0.23   0.16
Constant   2.42***   0.09   2.79***   0.23   2.35***   0.30   2.41***   0.31
Variance components
 Classroom random effects   0.01   0.03   0.01   0.02   0.00   0.02   0.00   0.02
 Residual variance   0.21***   0.04   0.18***   0.04   0.17***   0.04   0.17***   0.04

Note. EF = executive function; BLS = Backwards Letter Span.






