Figure 7.
LysoKVCa and its Ca2+ sensitivity regulate the refilling of lysosomal Ca2+ stores. (A and B) Acute application of paxilline (A) and quinidine (B) abolished the second ML-SA1-induced responses. Prolonged washout for 10–15 min led to a partial recovery of the responses. (C) Lysosome Ca2+ refilling in HEK-GCaMP3-ML1 cells treated with paxilline, quinidine, and IBTX. (D) Compared with WT MEFs, ML-SA1–stimulated refilled responses were reduced in GCaMP7-ML1-expressing KCNMA1 KO MEFs. (E) Lyso-SLO1M513I/D898A currents at different concentrations of Ca2+ (0.1 and 10 µM). (F and G) Lysosomal refilling in GCaMP7-ML1–expressing KCNMA1 KO MEFs that were transfected WT SLO-mCherry and SLO1M513I/D898A-mCherry. (H) GPN-induced refilled (the second) Ca2+ response, measured with Fura-2 imaging, was reduced in KCNMA1 KO MEFs. (I) Paxilline effects in lysosomal refilling in WT MEF cells. (J) Mean refilling responses in WT and KCNMA1 KO MEF cells. Statistical comparisons were made with variance analysis (Student’s t test). **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. Error bars indicate SEM.