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. 2017 Jun 6;12(6):e0178512. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178512

Table 1. Inclusion criteria for systematic review and rationale.

Criteria Rationale
Child Care Type
Only studies that examined the impact of the quality of centre-based programs on children’s outcomes were included. Centre-based programs included daycare and preschool programs, nursery schools, pre-kindergarten programs, and Head Start programs. Studies that only examined home-based child care, or those in which home-based and centre-based could not be separated were excluded. Center-based child care settings differ from home daycare in many ways such as ratios, group size, physical environment, curriculum, age range of children, and caregiver qualifications. As a result, quality is often measured differently for these two settings (e.g., ECERS versus FCCERS).
Age Served
Studies that included preschool-aged children as the majority of participants were included. For the purposes of the meta-analysis, preschool-age was defined as ranging from 30 to 72 months. Preschool-aged classrooms are different from infant/toddler classrooms due to the developmental stage and needs of the children in these two age groups. As a result, regulations and standards of care (e.g., ratios, physical environment, etc.) as well as daily activities (e.g., curriculum) differ between infant/toddler and preschool-aged classrooms.
Child Outcomes
Studies that provided information about the association between ECERS/ECERS-R on children’s cognitive, academic, social-emotional, health, or motor outcomes were included. Data could have been gathered from teachers, parents, and/or children themselves. Measures that focus on dyads (e.g., attachment) were excluded. Cognitive, academic, social-emotional, health, and motor outcomes were selected because they are key predictors of children’s developmental trajectories. Measures that focus on staff-child or peer dyads were not included given that these outcomes often reflect an aspect of child care quality.
Study Design
Cross-sectional and longitudinal designs were included. When multiple child outcome assessments were reported the earliest time-point following the measurement of quality were extracted. To increase the homogeneity across the extracted data from eligible studies (i.e., increase the likelihood of meta-analysis), we focused on the earliest time-point in which child outcomes were measured following the measurement of quality in instances where multiple waves of outcome data were presented.
Outcome Reporting
Studies must have presented statistical data quantifying the association between ECERS/ECERS-R and a child outcome measure. Studies only reporting qualitative results were not considered for this review as the domains of assessment could vary markedly between studies.
To be extracted studies had to be in English. We did not have resources to systematically translate material written in other languages.

Abbreviations: ECERS = Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale; FCCERS Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale.