Figure 2.
Prototypical trajectories of discounting rates (ln k) across age are plotted for binge-drinking adolescents and controls with a high (+0.5 SDs from the mean) and low FHD (−0.5 SDs from the mean). Binge-drinking (light red) and control (light blue) adolescents’ individual discounting rates (ln k) across age are plotted in the background. For reference, the prototypical trajectory of high-FHD individuals is one with a FHD of 0.55, or roughly the equivalent of having at least one parent with an AUD, similar to the definition of a FH+ in prior research (15–17). Meanwhile, the prototypical trajectory of a low-FHD individual is one with a FHD of 0.25, or an individual with AUD only in a second-degree relative.