Table 1.
Description of CTN studies
CTN Study Number | Study Title | Years | Sample Size | Arm (T vs. C) | Example of Eligibility Criteria |
Buprenorphine/naloxone (Bup/Nx) detoxification | |||||
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CTN0001 | Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Bup/Nx) versus Clonidine for Inpatient Opiate Detoxification | 2001–2002 | 113 | Bup/Nx vs.Clonidine | Inpatient treatment-seeking males and non-pregnant and non-lactating females, 15 years and older, with DSM-IV opiate dependence |
CTN0002 | Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Bup/Nx) versus Clonidine for Outpatient Opiate Detoxification | 2001–2002 | 230 | Bup/Nx vs.Clonidine | Outpatient treatment-seeking males and non-pregnant and non-lactating females, 15 years and older, with DSM-IV opiate dependence |
CTN0003 | Suboxone® (Bup/Nx) Taper: A Comparison of Two Schedules | 2003–2005 | 516 | 7-day vs. 28-day Bup/Nx Taper | Outpatient treatment-seeking males and non-pregnant and non-lactating females, 15 years and older, with DSM-IV opiate dependence |
CTN00010 | Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Bup/Nx) Facilitated Rehabilitation for Heroin Addicted Adolescents/Young Adults | 2003–2006 | 154 | Bup/Nx vs. Detox | Outpatient treatment-seeking males and non-pregnant and non-lactating females, 14–21 years old, with DSM-IV-TR opiate dependence |
CTN00030 | Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment Plus Individual Drug Counseling for Opioid Analgesic Dependence | 2006–2009 | 653 | Bup/Nx + Counseling vs. Bup/Nx | Outpatient treatment-seeking males and non-pregnant and non-lactating females, 18 years and older, with DSM-IV opiate dependence |
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Motivational enhancement/interviewing (MEI) | |||||
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CTN0004 | Motivational Enhancement Treatment (MET) To Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcome in Subjects Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse | 2001–2004 | 461 | MET vs. Counseling as usual (CAU) | Outpatient treatment-seeking individuals for any substance use disorder with use of any substance in the past 28 days, 18 years and older |
CTN0005 | Motivational Interviewing (MI) To Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcome in Subjects Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse | 2001–2002 | 423 | MI vs. treatment-as-usual (TAU) | Outpatient treatment-seeking individuals for any substance use disorder with use of any substance in the past 28 days, 18 years and older |
CTN0013 | Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) to Improve Treatment Utilization and Outcome in Pregnant Substance Users | 2003–2006 | 200 | MET vs. TAU | Pregnant women (Less than 32 weeks), identified as needing substance abuse treatment, 18 years and older |
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Motivational incentives (Incentives) | |||||
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CTN0006 | Motivational Incentives for Enhanced Drug Abuse Recovery: Drug Free Clinics | 2001–2003 | 454 | Incentives vs. TAU | Outpatient treatment-seeking individuals with evidence of cocaine or methamphetamine use, without gambling problems |
CTN0007 | Motivational Incentives for Enhanced Drug Abuse Recovery: Methadone Clinics | 2001–2003 | 388 | Incentives vs. TAU | Outpatient treatment-seeking individuals with evidence of cocaine or methamphetamine use, without gambling problems |