Figure 1. Stress-induced cytoplasmic localization of ADAR1p110.
(a) Schematic domain structure of two ADAR1 isoforms. (b) UV irradiation induced cytoplasmic localization of mCherry-ADAR1p110-WT in A172 cells, which was blocked by p38 inhibitor SB203580. (c) Heat-shock stress induced cytoplasmic localization of mCherry-ADAR1p110-WT in A172 cells, which was blocked by p38 inhibitor SB203580. (b, c) For quantitation (right summary graphs), images of ∼30 cells each from (x02267)7 separate slides (n (x02267) 7) prepared independently ((x02267)180 cells) were examined for mCherry-ADAR1p110 distribution between nucleus and cytoplasm. Data are mean ± S.D.; significant differences were identified by two-tailed Student's t-tests: ***P <0.001, n.s., not significant. Source data are available online in Source Data Set 1. (d) Time-course analysis of mCherry-ADAR1p110-WT localization after UV irradiation. (b-d) Scale bars, 20 μm.